
The Poetic Hour


Onthe 4-thof Decemberthe Poetic Hour took place in “Tarzhiman” Club, which wasdedicatedtocreationof Kazakh and English poets. The students of all courses took an active action in this interesting meeting. The scientific supervisor of «Tarzhiman» club, docent Musaly L. Zh. Wished luck to all translators.

There were many interesting points in the program of the Poetic Hour. At the first place students read the translations of Shakespeare’s sonnet, which wasrealized by MukagaliMakataev. Theylearnt more information about the works of prominent poet and translator and discovered to themselves new sides of his creature. Also several important questions of literature’s translation were discussed. Students had the opportunity to express their opinions, to say points of views and at odd times even disputed. Students of 4-thcourse presented their translations on Russia, namely, the translation of E. A. Poe’s poem “The Raven”, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “Arrow and the Song”, the translation of M. Makataev’s poem “Алдыңнан терезеңнің жүріп өттім” and some interpretations of English poets. Other students also didn’t out of the board. In the meeting teachers and students tried to realize the translation of Jessica Blade’s poem “Your name”. The process of translation was very entertaining. The students of 1 course achieved their goal.Collective diligence proved very successfully. Therefore, the youth translators knew more about the creature of mane poets, and, undoubtedly, filled their knowledge with new ideas and practiced their skills.