Department of Management and Marketing of the Economics and Business Higher School of the Kazakh National University named after al Farabi has conducted a public roundtable on the theme "Competitiveness in Higher Education" with a participation of Almaz Tolymbek, foreign PhD Professor (Delta International University / Management Institute of Canada).
The roundtable was held on December 13, 2013. On the event PhD, professor Almaz Tolymbek (Delta International University/ Management Institute of Canada) made a presentation on the theme «Competitiveness in Higher Education», PhD, professor Utegali Kadirgaliyevich Shedenov made a speech on the theme "Improving the system of higher education in Kazakhstan in conditions of innovation economy", PhD, associate professor Elmira Yessinbekovna Baymuhanbetova made a speech on the theme "Marketing aspects of improving the quality of higher education."
Such issues as main factors of competitiveness of higher education abroad and in Kazakhstan, differences between the Canadian and Kazakhstani system of higher education, marketing aspects of improving the quality of education were discussed.