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High school of economics and business discussed the message of the President
1/29/2014The 24 of January, 2014 in the 201 auditorium of High School of Economics and Business was held a round table dedicated to the discussion of the message of President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N. on the 17 of January, 2014 on the theme «Kazakhstan way - 2050: a common goal, common interests, common future».
In his opening remarks, KazNU Dean, Yermekbayeva B. J. noted the importance of the annual President's message to people of Kazakhstan for the entire scientific community of the country and the importance of presenting the goals of the Message to students; and the designation of their role in solving the tasks set by the President.
The principal speakers were: Satybaldin S.S. - academician of the NAS RK, doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department «Accounting and audit», theme of the report: « Қазақстан мәңгілік ел жолында ». Jumabayev S. K. doctor of Economics., associate Professor of the Department «Management and marketing» standed with the report «Strengthening of the trend of innovative industrialization as a priority direction of development of Kazakhstan economy». Rakhmatullayeva D. J. - senior lecturer of the Department «Economy», theme of the report «Implementation of social projects - a way to improve the welfare of population of the RK». Bocharova M. U – 1st year master student of «Finance», report «The Priority task in the process of Kazakhstan's joining the group of 30 developed countries of the world.»
After the reports was carried out free discussion and changing opinions, where the round table participants were able to express their vision and their position in regard to the Message and goals set by the President of RK. Doctor of Economics, Professor B. Kazbekov K. noted the role of high education faculty in the education of the personnel to achieve the goals of the message. Doctor of Economics, Professor Shedenov U. K. expressed the opinion that the single national idea of the state consists in the development of national consciousness. Doctor of Economics, Professor Tulegenova M.C. noted that for implementation of the tasks of the message of the country should move away from customizable rent economy and emphasized the role of import and export in the economy of Kazakhstan. Doctor of Economics, associate Professor Dulambayeva R.T. shared the opinion about the share of Kazakhstan to trade on the territory of the Customs Union and outlined the need to improve the transparency and accountability of public administration in the country.
At the end of the round table Dean of High School of Economics and Business Yermekbayev B.J. put forward a proposal about the publication of the collection of reports and articles from the faculty and the students of High School of Economics and Business, where everyone can express his opinion and to put forward concrete proposals for implementation of the goals of the Message.