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“Challenges of International Relations, Law and Economy in the light of Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050”
Department of International Relations of al-Farabi Kazakh National University invites you to participate in the International Scientific Conference “Challenges of International Relations, Law and Economy in the light of Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050”. The Conference is dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of al-Farabi Kazakh National University and 60th Jubilee of the well-known Scholar, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of International Relations Karimzhan Nurumovich Shakirov.
In the framework of this conference will be discussed several issues and aspects of foreign policy, legal and economic support of the Strategy “Kazakhstan - 2050”, activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the regional and global integration, questions of legal support of regional and global security, challenges and prospect of innovative development of national economy with possible risks and threats.
Representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, leading experts of Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan, Institute of World Economy and Politics under the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Leader of the Nation, representatives of the National Universities and Research Centers as well as foreign experts from the USA, Germany, France, India and the Russian Federation are invited for the Conference.
Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.
By the beginning of the conference will be published collection of articles.
Contact Information: Saniya Nurdavletova - tel. +7272 438327, +7 701 571 3838, e-mail: saniyanm83@mail.ru, Ashat Darkenbaev - tel. + 7 701 759 1009, e-mail: asxat_dar@mail.ru, Leila Delovarova - tel. +7 701 365 88 08, e-mail: delovarova@mail.ru.
Details …
Requirements for publications
To participate in the conference all of the participants are kindly required to send the text of the report by e-mail to Saniya Nurdavletova (saniyanm83@mail.ru) before March 15, 2014 with the following information about the author:
- surname, first name;
- degree, rank;
- place of work, position;
- tel. with area code;
- e-mail;
- subject (theme) of the report;
- direction/area (foreign policy, law, economic, other);
- necessity to use technical means.
Text should be prepared in the editor Microsoft Word. Drawings and graphics elements should be inserted in the text as an object. The text should be placed in A4 format. Margins: - 2.5, right - 1.5, top and bottom - 2.5 cm.
The manuscript should be 6-10 full pages, including figures and tables, in 1 line spacing. List of references and literature are to place after the main text in alphabetical order in the square brackets.
Publication Languages - Kazakh, Russian or English.