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Al-Farabi University Centre for Cross Cultural Communication of FIR and British Council in Kazakhstan held collateral seminar The Climate Change, Energy and Technology
Al-Farabi University Centre for Cross Cultural Communication of FIR and British Council in Kazakhstan held collateral seminar The Climate Change, Energy and Technology. The aim of that round table was the experience exchanging in managing the actual projects in the field of climate changing and sustainable development, power production efficiency and renewable energy sources.
Professor of KazNU, Roza T. Bekseitova, D. Sc., and director of the Centre for Cross Cultural Communication, Zhibek T. Bimagambetova, PhD made a report on project “The Kazakhstan climate changing research, identification of the soil degradation and consequences for agriculture local communities”. During their presentation, speakers told about possibilities of climate changing in Kazakhstan for water resources, soil and agriculture. This project was carried out within the international three-year grant program of the British Council INSPIRE - International strategic partnerships in research and education.
The seminar was also held video bridge with young researchers at the University of Nottingham. Doctor (PhD), senior researcher at Institute for Energy Research at the University Nottingham, Marat Karataev told about the project, exploring the issues of the transition of the European energy sector with hydrocarbons to renewable energy and its effect on energy security, sustainable economic growth and social situation until 2050. Dr. M. Karataev laid emphasis on science-based facts of climate change, as well as priority measures, such as increasing energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy. Part of the presentation was also dedicated to the additional benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Doctor (PhD), senior researcher at Institute for Energy Research at the University Nottingham, Paolo Meloni gave practical examples and told about the project "Development and use of alternative energy, the creation of social and business opportunities for agricultural communities." The project is funded by the British Council. The project aims to explore the potential of renewable energy in rural areas to meet the demand for electricity, increasing the income of local people, creating jobs, providing access to social services and create new opportunities.
The participants of the round table The Climate Change, Energy and Technology, agreed on a joint partnership in the field of energy and climate change, as well as the conference holding with young scientists.
IRF, Centre for Cross Cultural Communication