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I INTERNATIONAL FORUM FARABI (IFF) «ABU NASR AL-FARABI IN DIALOGUE OF TIMES» devoted to the 80th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faсulty of Philosophy and Political Science, Department of Religious and Cultural Studies, Department of Philosophy, Center of Al-Farabi and Almaty branch of Kazakhstan Philosophical Congress will conduct the I International Forum Farabi «ABU NASR AL-FARABI IN DIALOGUE OF TIMES» on April 2, 2014
1. Spiritual heritage of Al-Farabi: dialogue of cultures of East and West
2. Al-Farabi is a cultural and educational symbol of the University: Al-Farabi University Smart City
3. Philosophical and social-ethical views of Al-Farabi
4. Natural-scientific views of al-Farabi
The “Farabi readings” are held in the framework of the International Farabi Forum annually
It is necessary to submit an application and article till March 20, 2014 for participation in work of the Forum in the following forms. Application:
- Surname, first name, middle name
- Work place (full name of the organization, department)
- Position
- Academic or academic status
- Scientific degree
- Contact phones, e-mail
- Section
- Subject name
Articles are accepted in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages. The edition of the collection of materials of the Forum is planned. Registration fee is 3 thousand tenge.
Requirements for paper preparation: Volume up to 7 pages of the computer text Times New Roman, a size 14 or Kz Times New Roman size 13. Margins: left - 3 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm, right – 1,5 cm, line spacing-1; headers are printed by capital letters in bold. The header is separated from the text by a space. The initials and the surname of the author (in bold italics) is mentioned above the title in the right part; the workplace, school, academic degree and academic rank is in lower position; footnotes and references are indicated at the end of the article. References in the text are made in square brackets, as the number corresponding to the number of the given work in the literature. By using quotations please indicate the source of the page, for example: [1, p.256].
Applications are accepted at the address:
Republic of Kazakhstan, 050012, Almaty, Masanchi str., 37/49 (corner of Bogenbai batyr str.), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Room 403, Department of Religious and Cultural Studies
Phone: (8-727) 292 57 17 + extra number 2124, 2125.
e-mail: farabiforum@mail.ru