
Dear students!


University of Lorraine (France) jointly with the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University announce an admission for training in international master «Subterranean Reservoirs of Energies: Hydrodynamics, Geology, Modeling» with a possibility to to acquire French and Kazakh diplomas. Application Deadline: May 31, 2014.

To participate in the program you need to apply on the university website: or

With all required documents.

Programme includes:

1 Year: in Almaty (Kazakhstan) – professors from France university provide 80% of lectures

2 Year: 6 months of study in the Universite de Lorraine – 60months of internship in any company or laboratory around the world.

To sign up for the additional entrance examinations (in English) you need to send your CV and completed application form to You can download the application form here

For further questions, please call: +7 (727) 377 35 22. The deadline for entries for exams March 24, 2014!

Requirements for participants:

- Bachelors Degree with specialization in one of the following areas: development and exploitation of oil and gas fields, geophysics, geology, mathematic modeling, applied Mathematics, fluid mechanics and physics, computational methods, informatics.

- Knowledge of English

On all aspects of SRE and master please contact:

Mikhail Panfilov, head of Master: (can be in russian)

Master SRE Almaty_Admission 2014_EN.pdf