On 25-27th of March at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will be held the I Regional Conference of participants of the project consortium on academic mobility Erasmus Mundus "SILKROUTE - SILKRoad Universities Towards Europe".
Regional conference will focus on discussion of strengthening structured cooperation between partner universities by encouraging mobility at all levels of students’ education (bachelors and masters), doctoral candidates, and researchers, academic and administrative staff.
This consortium brings together European partner universities from Italy, Austria, Spain, Romania, Croatia and Central Asian partners from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
Coordinating university of the project is the University of Padova (Italy). Al-Farabi Kazakh National University serves as co-coordinator of the project from Central Asia.
The meeting also assumes holding of the working session for selection of candidates for participation in international academic mobility within the program.