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Higher School of Economics and Business hosted an international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi alemy" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh National University named after Al -Farabi
8-11 April 2014 at the Higher School of Economics and Business hosted an international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi alemy" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh National University named after Al -Farabi.
Purpose of the conference: to promote research and educational-cognitive activity of students; disclosure of creativity, selection and support of the most talented students and young professionals; promote the development of their intellectual potential; involvement in the solution of scientific problems.
At the opening conference on 8 April 2014 in 201 aud. HSBE in plenary heard the following presentations: 3 doctoral course "Management" Bimendeev ZH.A "ШОБ банкроттық механизмін қалыптастыру ҚР президентінің Қазақстан – 2050 Стратегиясын жүзеге асыру аясында"; 2nd year undergraduate of specialty Finance Almamaedova EM "Проблемы и пути повышения качества кредитного портфеля БВУ РК Вусловиях неопределенности"; 2nd year undergraduate finance speciality Eshtaybekov NJ "Қазақстандағы биржа нарығының ақпараттық инфрақұрылымын дамытудың негізгі бағыттары"; 3-year student majoring in "Economics" Darkenbaev AB "Small business innovation as a factor of development"; 3rd year student of the speciality "Accounting and Auditing" Abdramanova A. "Қазақстан компанияларына ынталандырушы қызмет жүйесін ендіру".
The conference was held following sections: "National Innovation System in Kazakhstan: the effectiveness and prospects of development of "green economy", "Problems of improving the financial performance of the national innovation system", "Innovative trends in the management of the national economy: Kazakhstan and global transformation", "innovative Approaches to the development of accounting and auditing in the Republic of Kazakhstan". The conference resulted in four sections of "place awarded to the following students: Sarsenova A. Eshtaybekov N., A. Abdramanova.
In addition to prizes, students were awarded diplomas incentive for participation in the conference in the following categories: innovation in the report for the applied nature of the research challenges for reliable and complete exposition of the problematic issues for the high level of research, for erudition and professional horizons for creative approach to disclosure content themes.