
"Cult of healthy body"


Department of biophysics and biomedicine during organization of associate professor Дощановой Б.К., senior teacher Кулбаевой М.С. and conducted the students of 3th course of 201-202 groups of speciality of "5В060700-Биология" of April, 24, 2014 measure at faculty level on a theme "In a healthy body is a healthy spirit" within the framework of project "Cult of healthy body".

A measure was begun with execution of hymn of Republic of Kazakhstan, a lecture was after heard about the healthy way of life and consequences of pernicious habits, about that . that health каждого-это health of nation on the whole. Students read verses on the topic of measure, showed a small dancing limbering-up under the song of В. of Высоцкого. Very interesting were situatioonal tasks for an audience that stormily came into question and were sent to development for the students of skills of walkthrough and discussion. Small prizes were handed the active participants of discussion. In conclusion a measure students-organizers and participants of measure carried out dance.