May 31, 2014 at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, took place meeting organized by the graduates of the University Alumni Association of Biologists dedicated to Al-Farabi University 80 anniversary. Colleagues - biologists came to congratulate the academician of NAS RK HJ Dyusembin graduate 1948 and hrofessor L.E.Bulekbaeva 1949 graduate.
They remembered the years of study and their teachers , their classmates and students. These annual meetings and traditional faculty spends decades , and as noted in his speech, Dean of the Faculty Professor T.M.Shalahmetova, the link between generations is not interrupted and grateful students do not forget their alma mater. Chairman of the Alumni Association of Biologists professor T.D.Mukasheva spoke about the formation of an endowment fund , a contribution which have not only all the teachers of the faculty , but also colleagues from research institutes and business - sphere. Students of the faculty meeting welcomed guests in a small concert.