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International Exhibition in al-Farabi University: "Democracy and dictatorship during an era of extremes took place. View of history of Europe of the XX century"
6/17/2014On June 12, 2014 in Kazakh National University (KAZNU) named after al-Farabi at the faculty of International Relations (IRF) the ceremonial opening of the international exhibition "Democracy and dictatorship during an era of extremes took place. View of history of Europe of the XX century".
At opening there were diplomats of consulate general of Germany in Almaty, the director of KISI B. K. Sultanov, the deputy director of Institute Goethe Susanne Becker, the historian of wars Tleu Kulbayev, representatives of the German society "Renaissance", teachers and students of IR and a press.
The exhibition for showing in Almaty in KAZNU University was offered during a meeting of the rector G. M. Mutanov with the Consul general of Germany Mr. M. Grau. Already on May 29th this year the exhibition welcomed city visitors on the main avenue conducting to the main case of administration during the Book exhibition, devoted to the 80 anniversary of the University. Guests and students with interest got acquainted with rare photos of the First and Second world wars, revolutions of 1989 in Eastern Europe and other events of the 20th century, each of which is characterized by "extreme" or a limit of political development.
The director of the Center for German studies prof. Gubaidulina M. Sh. gave the opportunity for a greeting speech to the Deputy General Consul Mr. Plambek, then the dean of IRF Shakirov K.N. made the speech. Konsul R. Richter told about how the scientific Institute of the modern history (Munich, Germany) prepared materials for an exhibition which was supported by “Deutschlandradio Kultur” station and Federal fund of researches of dictatorship of Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SEPD). In 2014 performed hundredth anniversary the First World War. This war, called the initial catastrophe of the 20th century, changed the lives of people, society and the European states. Shared memory of this war, its causes and consequences are part of the European integration process.
Originally the exhibition was shown in the German Bundestag (Berlin) and the cities of Germany, and then it will be shown at the universities of the Western and Southern Kazakhstan. The first university where this exhibition works is KAZNU named after al-Farabi. On a round table in the Center for German studies Prof. Tleu Kulbayev told about his results of the scientific activity, representatives from Germany reminded of totalitarianism victims in the period of Nazism and Stalinism. It was a question of inadmissibility of repetition of cruelty of wars and dictatorships.
Organization and support of the exhibition at the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi: Consulate General of Germany in Almaty jointly with the Center for German Studies of KAZNU University.