
Kazakhstani way to non-nuclear world


An international round table dedicated to the International day of fight for the nuclear weapon liquidation and the 23rd anniversary of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s decree on closing of nuclear testing ground in Semipalatinsk was held on the 26 of September on the faculty of international relations together with social charity fund “Polygon – August 29”, UN informational bureau in Kazakhstan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs representative office in Almaty and CICA Secretariat.

The event was held in the frames of realization of purposes that were set before al-Farabi Kazakh National University acting as a global hub of the sustainable development conducted in accordance with the UN initiative “Academic Impact”.

The representatives of diplomatic missions from the USA, Russia, China, Hungary and South Korea, Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Research, “AkZhol” political party officials, mass media academic representatives and participants of Semipalatinsk nuclear tests took part in the round table.

In his greeting words the dean of the faculty ShakirovKarimzhanNurumovich thanked all the participants for supporting the initiative of holding this event, marked a high urgency of the problem and presented a short analysis of Kazakhstani initiatives in the sphere of nuclear security.

UN Informational Bureau representative VlastimilSamek underlined the importance of discussion of nuclear disarmament problems for the whole world, described the main activity of UN in this direction and marked Kazakhstani initiatives and the role of a new generation in thic process.

The participants of the round table listened to the reports of BoztaeyevNurlan – “Polygon – August 29” fund representative, ZhumanbekovAlnur – CICA consul of Republic of Kazakhstan, Kim Alexander – Atomic energy committee official, AbenDauren – senior scientific officer of Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Research, Kosherbayev Zhan – docent of the chair of international relations and world economics of Al-FarabiKazNU and comments of docent of the chair of international law AmanzholovZhaisanbek and the representatives of “AkZhol” political party.

The authors of the reports discussed Kazakhstan’s experience of promoting initiatives in the sphere of nuclear disarmament, some aspects of cooperation with leading international structures and countries in the field of nuclear non-proliferation and modern problems and perspectives of strengthening of non-proliferation regime and prohibition of the weapons of mass destruction.

In the frames of the round table “Polygon – August 29” fund presented the project of Conception of global stability in the XXI century (creation of bob-nuclear zones, minimization of strategic nuclear forces, the future of atomic stations) and before the final discussion a documentary film “For the non-nuclear world” was shown, that described the history of creation of nuclear weapon and confrontation of two super-powers during the cold war, closing of SNTG and the role of Kazakhstan for the nuclear-free world.

Finishing the work of the round table the students of “UN assistance center” of the faculty of international relations presented an interactive slide show dedicated to the role of Kazakhstan youth in the sphere of nuclear disarmament, drawing attention to “ATOM” project – President N. Nazarbayev’s initiative of 2012 and presented a paper crane to every guest as a symbol of fight young people against nuclear danger.