
Illuminate your surroundings: Reflections on the Korean 4th oratory contest to possession Hanyang University scholarships


The Department of Korean and Japanese Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, with the participation of the Hanyang and Namseul University (Seoul, Republic of Korea) held a contest of oratory among the students of 1-3 courses of the Korean branch.

Conduct of this competition has become a good tradition in the framework of our partner universities. The significance of this competition oratory is undeniable. The competition oratory contributes significantly to the promotion of Korean language and strengthen inter-university relations.
Feature of the fourth season of the competition was that the task for the students were asked to make the project "Illuminate your surroundings." Students defend their ideas in the Korean language, developing self-confidence, expounded his idea without stylistic and logical errors.
Co-sponsored by representatives of the University of Hanyang By Kim Kyung and Yoon Jin-hee, Yoon Tae University Namseul Hoon and Jo Hyun Son.
The jury and the organizing committee of the competition appreciated by the participants. 1st place - the cost of education for the period 1 semester at the University of Hanyang and payment of 50% of the cost of air travel ($ 500). 2nd and 3rd place - awards from the University of Namseul - certificates and gifts.