
“Schrödinger High-throughput Atomic Scale Simulations to Discover New Materials for Industrial Applications”


The world-famous company Schrödinger is a scientific leader in computational chemistry, providing software solutions and services for the life sciences and materials research.

The company's goal to support scientific researchers around the world to solve their problems to improve human health and quality of life through advanced computational methods, providing integrated software solutions and services that truly meet the needs of scientists. Through the development and implementation of new scientific software solutions and the formation of co-operation and partnership, Schrödinger intends to help scientists to accelerate their research activities, to reduce costs, to make new discoveries.

To be fully acquainted with the products of this company Center KAZNU-INTEL HPC and Department of Mathematical and computer modeling organize online - conference with an employee of the company Alexander Goldberg, who will make a presentation "Schrödinger High-throughput Atomic Scale Simulations to Discover New Materials for Industrial Applications."

We ask all interested scientists, teachers, students to participate in online - conference to be held on 16 October at 10.00 in 321 audience of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty.

Department of Mathematical and computer modeling