
«Lambent way – path into the future»


The round table dedicated to the discussion of the Message of the President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N. on the 11 of November, 2014 «Lambent way – path into the future» was held on the 14th of November, 2014 in the 201 conference hall of the Higher School of Economics and Business.

In her speech, Dean of the Higher School of Economics and Business Baiyan Yermekbayeva noted the importance of the annual President's Message to people of Kazakhstan for the entire scientific community of the country and the importance of presenting the goals of the Message to students; and the designation of their role in solving the tasks set by the President. She also mentioned comments of HSEB teachers to the Message from chairs, professors, Ph.D. and master students. The Dean by herself gave a comment on the 13th of November 2014 on the website, and also took part in the round table on The President’s Message discussion organized by Alamty city mayor’s office.

The principal speakers were: Satubaldin S.S. - academician of the NAS RK, doctor of Economics, Professor of the «Accounting and audit» Department, theme of the report: « Lambent way - is a program of Kazakhstan economy development». Academician Satubaldin S.S. noted that priority directions in the President’s Message splendidly reflect needs of Kazakhstan economy’s development. Jumambayev S. K. - associate Professor of the «Management and marketing» Department standed with the report «Infrastructure development – is a pivot of a new economic policy», he emphasized high importance of transport-logistic and industrial infrastructure development for Kazakhstan? And also straight connection between their development and the level of country’s economy development. Aubakirova Zh.? Doctor of Economics? Professor of the “Economy” department presented report “Development of small and medium size business in the light of the Republic of Kazakhstan President’s Message”. She noted timeliness of the new economic policy, also problems of population employment growth in the sphere of small and medium business, necessity of legislation and mechanisms of small and medium business development review. Dauliyeva G. – associate professor of “Finance” department with the report “The President’s Message – the new direction of education development” headlined as a key issue in the framework of the development direction of social infrastructure providing connection of the science with economy branches and personnel training. Baidauletov M. – associate professor of “Accounting and audit” department with the report “Development directions of transport system and habitation infrastructure” by working out new approaches to construction and mechanisms of construction financing, also additional financing for it marked by the President as one of the main directions of the new economic policy and as the key factor of labor market and city infrastructure development

After the reports was carried out free discussion and changing opinions, where the round table participants were able to express their vision and their position in regard to the Message and goals set by the President of RK.

At the end of the round table Dean of the Higher School of Economics and Business Baiyan Yermekbayeva noted that the scientists in their reports involved all directions marked in the President’s Message as key elements of the new economic policy, put forward a proposal about the publication of the collection of reports and articles from the faculty and the students of High School of Economics and Business, where everyone can express his opinion and to put forward concrete proposals for implementation of the goals of the Message.