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Training workshop on teaching “Basics of religious studies” in secondary schools
Department of Religious and Cultural Studies of Faculty of philosophy and political science of Al-Farabi KazNU, the Center of Religious Studies and examinations and the Institute of improvement of professional skill conducted innovative course training “Basics of Religious Studies” from January 5 to January 12 of 2015 for teachers of secondary schools with a total of 72 hours.
Professors of the Department of Religious and Cultural Studies lectured on such relevant topics as "Religions in Kazakhstan", "New religious movements", "Modern interfaith situation", "Culture of Islam in Kazakhstan" and others. On January 12 the teachers got certificates on “Basics of Religious Studies” course where corresponding member of NAS RK, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, academician Garifolla Esim participated. Academician spoke about the relevance of teaching religion in our country, and also answered many important questions of the teachers.
Тhe students spoke and expressed their gratitude. Director of school № 95 Loktionova Olga Stepanovna expressed her gratitude to the timely organization of the course, as well as for the informative part of the course and suggested following recommendations: 1) to require such qualification courses for all teachers of the city schools, and to not allow to teach a course religious studies for teachers who have not passed the course; 2) to hold a general municipal conference for all teachers on religious studies with the participation of representatives of traditional religions. This course was attended by 40 teachers on the history, which on successful completion received certificates. This course was organized second time in the 2014-2015 academic year, from November 5 to November 12 in 2014more than 40 teachers attended the course “Actual problems of religion”.