5th of February 2015 at the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Science of Kazakh Al-Farabi National University took place an International online seminar on "Impact of climate change on water resources" within Tempus I-WEB project «Integrating Water cycle management: building capability, capacity and impact in Education and Business» and "Green Bridge through generations" project, which was attended by scientists, doctoral and master students of the University of Leipzig (Germany), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, K.A. Yassawi IKTU, Sh.Ualikhanov KokSU.
During the session audience discussed mportant and topical issues such as Climate change on the Earth (according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other expert groups); Modern trends in changes of climatic characteristics in Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Europe and other countries; prediction of future climate change on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Europe and other countries; the impact of climate change on water resources; impact of climate change on glaciers and river discharge; policy and measures for adaptation to climate change on water resources area.