
In KazNU university new international project were presented


The “Volkswagen Stiftung” Fund started new international project of Scientific-Research Institute of Ecology in al-Farabi Kazakh National University at Geography Faculty and Nature Management.

Within the new international project "Development of the Support Mechanism of High-quality Planning and Rational Use of Lands in the irrigated plains of Central Asia" conducted by Volkswagen Stiftung Fund and Research institute of environmental problems took place a meeting on February 10-12, 2015 at al-Farabi Kazakh National University at Geography Faculty and Nature Management. Session participants were scientists from geography faculty and nature management, Scientific-Research Institute of Ecology, representatives from Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg and KRASS company (SIC ICWC).

The main objectives of a contest were presentations of PhD research works and an exchange of opinions, knowledge and experience which were acquired in Central Asia and in other countries in the fields of rational water management and land resources and fighting against land desertification.

In the several upcoming days February 12-17 training courses will be conducted. The main purposes of the trainings will be representation of special program software, teaching of geographical information systems and remote sensing for an assessment of desertification process and efficiency of earth.

Scientific-Research Institute of Ecology