
International Research and Practice Conference «Modernization of the national legal system including Conception of legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period from 2010 till 2020 (9 December 2009 in RIXOS President Hotel, Astana city.)


9 December 2009 in RIXOS President Hotel, Astana city, was held the International research and practice conference «Modernization of the national legal system including Conception of legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period from 2010 till 2020».

A lot of officials such as Parliamentary deputies of the RK, staff of the Prosecutor-General's Office, members of the Constitutional council of the RK, Supreme Court of the RK, Central election commission, the Ministries of the RK, representatives of the universities and research centers of the RK, and also agents of the missions, international and nongovernmental organizations were participated in this conference.

The conference with welcoming speech was opened by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan R. T. Tusupbekov and director of the Institute of State and Law under the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, academician G. Sapargaliev.

The conference has three ways: 1 session "International and national law, State structure". The moderator of this session was academician G. Sapargaliev;

2 session "The development of law-enforcement, judicial systems and human rights institutes". The moderator of this session was Rector of Kazakh Humanitarian Juridical University, Doctor of Laws., Professor, Kogamov M. Ch;

3 session "The development of tax and budget legislation". The moderator of this session was the head of chair of social-legal and state-legal disciplines of the NSC' Academy, Cand. Sc. Law., associate professor Mamonov V. V.

During presentation on the conference the director of the Institute of State and Law under the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, academician G. Sapargaliev noted, that the creation of the mechanism of protestation the laws which contradicts to the Constitution by Prosecutor-General's Office it's a exclusive value for improvement of legislation.

Assistant director of the Institute of State and Law, Cand. Sc. Law., associate professor A. A. Salimgerey, touch upon the issue of international obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its legislation.

According to the results of the conference was passed a resolution, which will be sent in all state authorities of the RK. In addition, the materials of the conference will be published by special collection.