
Brief overview about conference « Parliamentarianism in Kazakhstan: conditions and new ways of development»


10 December 2009. In Astana city, in conference-hall of the "Diplomat" Hotel, by the institute of Parliamentarianism PDP "Nur Otan" was made the research and practice conference about "Parliamentarianism in Kazakhstan: conditions and new ways of development"

The main objective of this conference is consideration of role and importance of the institute of Kazakhstan Parliamentarianism in the process of realization of the tasks which are dedicated to the anti-crisis strategy and post-crisis development of the country, and also prospects of its improvement on the basis of positive experience from well-developed democracies.

A lot of officials such as Parliamentary deputies, Maslikhat deputies, representatives of state agencies, representatives of the political parties, representatives of UNDP in Kazakhstan, representatives of OSCE' centre in Astana, representatives of the institutes of civil society, scientists and experts, and also representatives of mass media were participated in this conference.

The participants of a conference discussed topical issues of the development of the institute of Kazakhstan Parliamentarianism at the present stage. According to participants, the country enters into a new stage of the political modernization. Transformation of the political system - from presidential to the presidential- parliamentary with preservation of the policy of checks and balances between branches of government allows the country develops without socio-political upheavals.

In the name of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the director of the Institute of State and Law under the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, academician G. Sapargaliev and Assistant director of the Institute of State and Law, Cand. Sc. Law., associate professor A. A. Salimgerey are made a speech on conference. In particular, academician G. Sapargaliev noted that there is not need to make changes and additions to the Constitution, and all issues touch upon changes and additions to the Constitution to decide separately, in the form of schedule to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It's provide the stability of the legislation, improves the authority of the Constitution and save it as legal monument.

According to the results, the participants of a conference worked out the recommendations, which touch upon subjects of the activity improvement of the Parliament of the RK, the Government of the RK, local representative bodies of the RK.