

Scientific and Practical Conference "Common Future Nation: Fundamental Values ​​and Symbols of Kazakhstan Identity" was held on June 3, 2015 at Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science with participation of representatives and experts from leading research institutions, government agencies, mass media, faculty lecturers and students.

The conference was opened by Dean of the Faculty, professor Masalimova A.R., who noted the importance of the conference as a platform to discuss the conceptual aspects of implementation of five institutional reforms represented by the Head of state Nazarbayev N.A. Welcoming remarks were made by the Vice-Rector of the University for Social Development, professor Dzhamanbalayeva Sh.E., Head of the Department of Internal Policy of Almaty Bokaev S.O. At the plenary session reports on current topics made by the Chief editor of journal “Mysl” (Thought) Kuttykadam S.R., Vice-Rector of Abai KazNPU, professor Kulsarieva A.T., President of the Kazakhstan Center of Humanitarian and Political Trends Aliyarov E.K., professors Biekenov K.U., Absattarov R.B. and Kusainov D.O.

The conference continued in thematic sections "100 steps - a plan for the implementation of five reforms","Psychological problems of identity in the modern world", "The reflection of the ideas of national identity and Eternal state in education content», "Ethno-religious and cultural identity in the modern world", "The values ​​and identity of the Kazakh youth"

The conference ended with the constructive exchange of views and summarizing.

Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science