


12-16 January in Almaty hosted the annual Zhautykov VI International Olympiad for students in physics, mathematics and computer science.

International Zhautykov Olympiad is held under the auspices of the RK Ministry of Education with the support of Almaty City Administration, Al-Farabi KazNU, as well as the general partner of the Olympiad - Alumni Fund Republican physico-mathematical boarding school and the general sponsors of the Olympics - the company «ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc» and «Microsoft Kazakhstan», who for six years provided support for the Olympics at a high level.

In the competition was attended by 49 teams (312 participants) of special schools from 16 countries - Kazakhstan, Russia (including the Republic of Bashkortostan and Sakha), Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey , Indonesia, Mongolia and Egypt.

The structure of the competent jury Olympiad included experts from 8 countries - Kazakhstan, Russia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia and Uzbekistan, as well as the winners of national and international competitions in different years, students of leading universities in Kazakhstan. Chairman of the Jury - rector of Al-Farabi KazNU, Kazakhstan National Academy of Sciences, Academician Bakhytzhan Zhumagulov.

At the VI International Zhautykov Olympics were played 130 medals, of which 42 medals were won by students from Kazakhstan. Gold medals awarded 24 statement Olympiad participants, including students of Kazakhstan won 8 gold medals. Silver medals were awarded 42 members. Kazakhstan has received 11 silver medals. Bronze medals awarded to 64 members, 23 students from Kazakhstan.

Support for gifted students is an integral part of the new concept of forming a contingent of entrants. January 16, 2010 Rector KazNU Bakytzshan T. praised the results of the winners of the International Science Olympiads and provided them with grants to study in the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi.

It should be noted that this year the KNU was the first among universities of the country launched a new concept for Kazakhstan student recruitment, aimed at improving the quality of student at the university. In the past year in a leading national university has developed a completely new strategy of recruiting student contingent. In support of gifted pupils through a number of the most spectacular of these is the project "Subject Olympiads KNU Al-Farabi" which was held from 16 February to 16 April 2009 in all regional centers and cities of Almaty and Astana with participation of the best professors Kazakh National University. The main objective of the project "Subject Olympiads KNU" the development of creative abilities in school children, promotion of knowledge, creating the conditions for unleashing the potential of gifted children. Thanks to the "subject Olympiads KNU" quality higher education is affordable for every Kazakh schoolboy, regardless of place of residence, social status and material well-being. In the "subject Olympiads KazNU" was attended by over 7000 students from all regions of Kazakhstan.

With "subject Olympiads KNU, along with the important function of the formation of a potential contingent of students, as carried out an equally important process of rebranding our university, it brought results, as the number of grant winners in 2009, executions have become the clear leader in our country.

In the current academic year preparatory phase subject Olympiads KNU launched in September 2009, to date, the bank formed Olympiad tasks carried out their examination of internal and external experts, formed the committee. The schedule of the Olympiad in the regions aligned with the regional offices of education.