Students and professors of Recreation Geography and Tourism Department of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, as well as members of the Club of Tourism Development and Sports of Kazakhstan “ZhasTur”, made a Weekend trip to waterfalls in Gorelnik gorge.
High mountain skating rink “Medeo” – waterfalls of Gorelnik gorge is one of the most popular and favorite Weekend routes in the outskirts of Almaty. Gorelnik waterfalls is located in two or three hours' walk from the road to Shimbulak ski resort, at an altitude of about 2400 meters above sea level. 50 students of al-Farabi Kazakh National University took part in walking tour.
We invite everyone to weekend trip and various excursions together with Recreation Geography and Tourism Department and the Club of Tourism Development and Sports of Kazakhstan “ZhasTur”. If you want an active life, come to tourism department!
For announcements and more information, please contact us:
- Department of Recreation Geography and Tourism: 71 al-Farabi avenue, 6 Main Education Building, 228 room; as well as by phone: +7 (727) 377-33-35 (12-28). Also follow our page in Instagram: kafedraturizma_kaznu;
- The Club of Tourism Development and Sports of Kazakhstan “ZhasTur”: Saitbekov Dinmuhamed (president of the club) +7 707 835 9069, Nikita Tychkov +7 701 801 8425. Also follow out for pages in; and Instagram: zhastour.

Recreation Geography and Tourism Department