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Thomson Reuters representative conducted a workshop in KazNU
On the 29th October 2015 Department of Science and Innovation has organized a workshop with the official representative of Thomson Reuters in Kazakhstan and CIS countries Darya Bukhtoyarova. The workshop was called «Selection of an international conference on the Web of Science platform» and «Preparation of articles for publication to EndNote Online».
The seminar was attended by the faculty of University, as well as researchers of research institutions «Gylym Ordasy» integrated with KazNU.
The first part of the seminar was devoted to the search for conferences with proceedings that are indexed in the database Web of Science. Darya Bukhtoyarova shared with participants how to find out if the proceedings of the conference have impact factor, the criteria for inclusion in the collection of conference Web of Science.
The participation of faculty of the University in the international rating of the conference is a form of internationalization and integration of Kazakhstani scientists into the international scientific space. However, some conference organizers mislead scientists, claiming that the collections will be indexed in international databases. The first part of the seminar addressed this urgent problem and informed about avoiding participation in the "fake" conferences.
In the second part Darya Bukhtoyarova presented service capabilities for editing of scientific articles EndNote Online. One of the main features of this service is the ability to generate a list of bibliography "one-click" for any type of scientific work prepared for publication in the rating journals.
An important part of the seminar was awarding a "Thank You letter" from the University to the representative of Thomson Reuters in Kazakhstan and CIS countries Darya Bukhtoyarova for the great contribution in information support of scientists of Al-Farabi KazNU in order to increase publication activity in reputable journals.
The relationship between the University and Thomson Reuters are built on long-term cooperation. Thus, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the leading university in education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was awarded a special diploma by the Thomson Reuters "For outstanding achievements in the field of science in 2011". In 2015, the University, in close collaboration with Darya Bukhtoyarova, published "Guidelines for the publication of scientific articles in journals with impact factor" in Russian and Kazakh languages.