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Young biologists choose KazNU!
In 2010, February 4 biological faculty'd hearty welcomed a senior pupils. Schoolboys and schoolgirls from 20 Lyceums, gymnasiums and secondary schools of Alamaty and Almaty region (Respublic sports college named by K. Munaipasov, Sh. Smagulov high school, Almaty sports boarding school for gifted children and secondary schools ## 134, 13, 9, 138, 79, 173, 140, 31, 70, 172, 65, 7, 169, 56, 39, 54, 72) had visited al-Faraby Kazakh National University in that day. Teachers and students greeted pupils in the festive decorated foyer, booklets about university and faculties were distributed, the music sounded. By a results of entrance registration 413 senior pupils had visited biological faculty that day.
The main aim of Open house was to inform the pupils about traditions, scientific trends and specialist's training at biological university and Kazakh National University, familiarity with campus and student life.
Dean of biological faculty, professor T. Sahalakhmetova, academician M. Shigayeva, professor N. Mukhitdinov had made a speech. They hearty greeted pupils and told them about history of faculty and university, scientific progression in faculty, well-known graduates that made an important contribution to science and economics. Children attended presentations and movies with sincere interest. On behalf of student the head of maslikhat Lailya Akhmetova and second year student Aibek Mursalimov told about peculiar properties of credit technology, rich student's life and opportunities to develop talents. "Folk singer and composer" of biological faculty third year student under tremendous ovation performed himself created anthem consecrated to 75 year anniversary of biological faculty. Official representative of the university administration - the specialist of Career and contingent department - Zhunis Ali Suetov invited all pupils to participate in February 16, 2010 "al-Faraby" Competition. On behalf of employers the chief of Institute of Common Genetics and Cytology MES RK L. Dzhansugurova spoke, she told about modern scientific tendencies in molecular biology, participation of students in scientific project, named talented graduates of biological faculty that successfully work in scientific centers of USA, France, Great Britain, Germany.
All six biological departments and two research institutes gave senior pupils hearty welcome. Pupils were greeted by the Heads of departments, professors Saule Aidosova (Botany), Zaure Aitasheva (Genetics and Molecular Biology), Togzhan Mukasheva (Microbiology), Tatiana Karpenyuk (Biochemistry and Plant Physiology), Sabir Nurtasin (Zoology and Hystology), Sultan Tuleukhanov (Animal Physiology), and chiefs of research institutes Amangeldi Kuanbayev (RI of Biological Problems) and Aitkaly Kalimagambetov (RI of Ecological Problems). They'd showed pupils lecture rooms, laboratories equipped with modern equipment, auditoriums named after noted Kazakh scientists-founders- T. Darkanbayev, G. Biyashev, T. Masenov, N. Udolskaya, V. Mitrophanov. Dean' Deputies A. Erezhepov and Z. Esimsiitova also young scientists and readers, holders of master's degree and PhD - Zh. Basygarayev, A. Baubekova, A. Zhusupova, Zh. Kudiyarova, B. Umbayev, A. Tsoy and others gave a demonstration of modern educational technologies supported by latest facilities in various disciplines "Biology", "Biotechnology", "Ecology", "Fish industry", "Physical training and sport". Biological faculty is equipped with four computer's class-rooms where pupils saw examples of virtual laboratory studies, on-line lectures, potentialities of modern bioinformatics.
In conclusion of interesting meeting senior pupils visited biological museum. They were enraptured with the unique displays and expositions, interesting excursion with guides.
If they had some doubt in they became firmly convinced study in Kazakh National University because of hearty welcome at biological faculty!
Dean of biological faculty
Tamara Shalakhmetova