
From the standpoint of upgrade


The conference discussed the modernization of educational programs to ensure the quality of training; innovative teaching techniques and methods. Director of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education International Cooperation. Serіk Omirbayev focused on some of the changes that have been adopted by the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan. In particular, the training colleges will determine the curriculum independently and make a choice between the thesis or state examinations. "Thus, the shape of the final certification will be chosen by university on their own ," - said Serіk Өmіrbayev .

From now on PhD degree is possible to get privately, so-called corporate order permits improve the skills at the expense of the employer or other investments. " The educational component will be reduced to 20 % and research training will increase up to 80 credits" , - the expert continued.

Issabekov Marat Ulanuly expert from the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken", made a report about the effectiveness of “professional cards”, which represent the subject of negotiation between profiling industry and the universities that prepare the stuff. In contrast to professional cards, Akhmurzina Lyazzat Zheksenbayevna, Director of the human capital development in oil/gas and energy complex «KazEnergy» proposed to strengthen the academic cooperation with the real production process, to support the relevance of educational programs in accordance with the needs of the energy sector .

“If the same profession applied in several areas such as drilling and exploration, that profession should be reflected only in the one activity to prevent the artificial increasing of professions’ number.

According to the results of the classification specialties’ analysis, by group was revealed 45 new names of labouring professions, "- noted Lyazzat Akhmurzina. Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Nature KazNU noted the urgent need to finalize the Aviation Meteorological Standards in conjunction with the Committee of Civil Aviation because of the security threats in terms of air flights.

Formed professional standarts’ system implement the process of confirming the qualification of employees through the professional examination. This mechanism is ensured by the alignment of the independent certification centers’ network. The rating received specific focus will serve as a passport professional solvency of the applicant to work. It is worth noting that the question was raised about the establishment of the republican commission as a regulator of the processes of modernization.

So, based on the recommendations of the conference for the further modernization of educational programs with a view to their accreditation, and the formation of a quality assurance training, as well as improving the quality of educational services, the universities’ objectives are:

1. Together with the professional community to define criteria for assessing the quality of EP (educational program) in the following areas: competence, expected learning outcomes, course content, teaching methods, evaluation methods, research trainees, staffing, employment opportunities;

2. Develop a mechanism for certification of educational programs, professional societies and associations;

3. Arrange external assessment of educational programs;

4. Develop a mechanism for taking into account the comments of accrediting agencies in the formulation and monitoring of educational programs;

5. To organize the analysis of representation student oriented teaching methods in the educational process of the faculty;

6. To organize training seminars for faculty with leading faculty to share experience and training;

7. Develop guidelines for the creation of forms of evaluation of expected learning outcomes, taking into account the specificity of professions and disciplines;

8. Provide training and the inclusion of PSS (professor-scholastic stuff), syllabus criteria and methods of evaluation for each discipline.

9. Initiated the development of professional standards in the respective professions in industry associations, enterprises and cooperation NEC (National Chamber of Enterpreneurs) of Kazakhstan "Atameken".

In the discussion of topical issues were attended by over 500 representatives of the PSS (professor-scholastic stuff), "Ghylym Ordasy" and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.