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Open door day of company «Fund of development of business "DAMU" at the al-Farabi Kazakh national university
18.02.2010г. there passed a meeting of representatives of Fund of development of business "DAMU" with students of faculty of economy and business. Students acquainted with mission, history, strategy of development of Fund. Heads of structural divisions of Fund "DAMU" held presentation of the new project on employment of students under the scheme «industrial practice-training-employment». For this purpose it is necessary for student to have excellent knowledge of specialist subjects, creative thinking, and desire to grow and develop. By consideration of demands for employment the preference will be had by the students who passed all three stages of preparation. The given project allows the young man to get perspective work, without having thus an operational experience. The students living in other regions of Kazakhstan, have possibility to pass practice and to work directly in a residing place, in local branch of Fund.
About a meeting the student 3 courses of economic faculty Zhakeev Ermekbay shares the impressions: «Meeting with heads of Fund of development of business «DAMU» left bright impressions. During this meeting we, at students of economic specialties, had a possibility not only to learn about structure and activity of this organization, but also to receive the practical information, especially actual in our present position and giving to us unique possibility to find an employment place. For students and graduates of HIGH SCHOOLS absence of an operational experience is one of the basic problems arising during search of work. I consider the given initiative of Fund rather pertinent and am grateful to the management of the university which organized the given meeting».
As we see, the given meeting for many students was useful. We hope that it will help to find a perspective place of work in the future. Fund "DAMU" spent the first presentation of the project within the precincts of our university that allowed students of KazNU to receive the information which will play a pivotal role in their future. As they say, who owns the information that owns the world. So, let's get it young economists!