
«One zone - one way: economic zone «The Great Silk Road»


Professor Aldabek N.A. participates in international science conference in Shenzhen.

Professor of the Department of Chinese Studies, Nurzhamal Aldabek Abdirazakovna, is participating in the conference «One zone - one way: economic zone «The Great Silk Road», which takes a place in one of the free economic zones of China, Shenzhen city. At the conference were raised questions about the revival of historical significance of "Great Silk Road" in Central Asia that connects China and Europe and filling this idea to new economic content. The conference was attended by over 100 delegates from 34 countries.

Nurzhamal Abdirazakovna took a part in the plenary session of the conference and was presented in one of the section. Professor Aldabek in her speech spoke about the role of Kazakhstan in the new economic zone of the Silk Road and the possibility of formation in Kazakhstani transport corridor between China and Europe. Also she noted the cooperation of Kazakhstan and China in the implementation of projects to create economic zone of the Silk Road and considered on the issue of the strengthening role of Kazakhstan in provision of energy safeness in the region.

During the conference, she gave an interview to the Chinese media about the role of Kazakhstan in the economic zone of the Silk Road. She said that the holding of the big trading way in the future - it is a duty of young generation, their taking of the mutual benefits into account of the project. “It is very necessary to eliminate conflicts in the region” – ended expert.