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Intellectual youth of independent Kazakhstan
3/1/2016College of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi held a scientific-practical conference on the theme of "intellectual youth of independent Kazakhstan" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan. The main objective of the conference - to identify, support and development of talented young people, able to think independently, to produce and apply knowledge, think carefully about the decisions and plan of action clearly.
The conference was attended by 90 students from colleges in Almaty and Almaty region. At the plenary session the participants and guests were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of pre-university education Zhappasov Zh.E., director profile school Alpysbaeva D.E and deputy director for educational and methodical work of college Appakova M. N . The conference was attended by representatives of Almaty Colleges Association, Almaty City Department of Education and Directors of the colleges of Almaty. Work was continued on 4 sections:
Section 1. Jurisprudence: Justice and law enforcement system as the initiator of transformation reforms.
Section 2. Economy: The new model of growth and development of independent Kazakhstan
Section 3. Linguistics. Languages - the realities of today's world.
Section 4. General education subjects: comprehensive development and intellectual youth, implementing a new model of modern society.
All works are college students and selected by the Commission for the protection of the following criteria have been previously addressed: relevance, novelty of the topic, the study on the subject, that the content of the work of the subject, the presence of their own views and conclusions, etc.
It should be noted that the section was an atmosphere of academic discussion, mutual involvement in the dialogue speaker and listeners. The jury heard and discussed the reports submitted, selected the winners.
At the end of the conference the participants were awarded with certificates and diplomas, and the directors and managers of the best colleges of research projects were encouraged by letters of thanks.
Conference organizers expressed gratitude to all participants and guests. We are very pleased that today's young people interested in science and in their future profession.