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Congratulations winners of the republican scientific competitions schoolchildren «Daryn»
Kazakh National University in order to shape the future of scientific talent and skill-building learning Penalty organized qualifying round enrollment students KazNU among pupils of the republican scientific competition, organized by the scientific and practical center «Daryn». Qualifying round enrollment students executions took place in the sanatorium Alatau from 24 to 25 February.
At the final stage of the republican scientific competitions, students were allowed more than 400 project 500 students from all regions of our republic. Jury republican competitions made on 5 of the National Academy of Sciences, professors and 37 doctors of science, famous scientists in Kazakhstan.
Competitions were held in four areas - "Scientific and technological progress as a key part of economic growth", "Mathematical modeling of economic and social processes", "A healthy natural environment - the basis of the Strategy" Kazakhstan-2030 "," Historic Monuments of Kazakhstan - prospective tourist routes.
Qualifying round in the student enrollment penalty - a fundamentally new mechanism for the formation of a contingent of students based on extracting the most talented science-oriented creative youth.
Competitive selection of participants was conducted among senior secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums from all over Kazakhstan on the results of the implementation of the test tasks and interviews with the best professors at the university. The whole atmosphere of qualifying tune of participants on a fair and just struggle of the strong and confident guys in search of truth and knowledge. Winners of the qualifying round of 68 pupils will also be able to participate in the Olympics «Аl-Farabi».
16 February at the Kazakh National University started a new project Olympics «Al-Farabi», implemented with the participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan.
Best Professor of the Kazakh National University, will visit 14 regional centers of Kazakhstan, to enable gifted children to enter the treasury, without going in Almaty. In the Olympics involved students from all regions of Kazakhstan.