On March 16, 2016 at the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University an unofficial meeting was held with Mr. Raban Richter, Cultural Attache of the Consulate General of Germany and the students of the Faculty of International Relations, learning German as a foreign language. The organizer of the meeting was the Diplomatic Translation Department of the Faculty of International Relations, represented by Florian Tack, the lecturer of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with an assistance of Mussabekova Ulzhan, Doctor of Philolgy, the Head of the Diplomatic Translation Department.
Students were given the opportunity to discuss the issues with Mr. Richter on various topics. The questions were both simple and very topical such as "Did you like to become a diplomat in childhood?", "How will the refugees change German and European cultures?"
When asked about what they are most interested in as future diplomats, they answered that cultural festivals give them great pleasure, as there people from different countries can meet. And they found bureaucratic routine very boring.
In conclusion, Mr. Richter thanked students for various questions and wished them success in learning the German language.