Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics



  Founded in 1934, Kazakhstan's first physical-mathematical faculty of Kazakh State University became the cradle of education and one of the national centers of education and science. This historic mission is relevant to the faculty even now. The faculty has overcome all the trials and remains one of the leading centers for research and training in mathematics, mechanics and information technology in the country.

  The faculty is constantly developing. In recent years there has been a steady growth in students’ number. An increasing number of research programs, creation of new courses in the most important areas of training, material resources of the faculty are being expanded. Students receive a fundamental education and immerse in the research on the selected areas of modern mathematics, mechanics and informatics.

  Achievements of the faculty today became possible thanks to the enthusiasm and creativity of several generations of scientists who worked and are working today at the faculty. Stages of the development of mathematics and mechanics as a science in Kazakhstan are associated with the names of many scientists who left a notable mark in the history of the faculty.  The reality of the modern world is that we also have to keep abreast of the time and continue to improve the learning process of our faculty.  The acquired fundamental knowledge allows graduates of KazNU Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty to learn new skills and abilities in a timely and qualitative way, therefore they are always in demand on the labor market of our country.

  A team of mechanics and mathematics faculty has huge plans to improve the learning process and further improve the efficiency of scientific research in accordance with the requirements of the time. The faculty has the potential to successfully implement our plans. We believe that the first Mechanics and Mathematics Department in Kazakhstan will hold high the banner of its leadership and forever remain the first at the frontiers of science and education - in the hearts of students, alumni, faculty and staff.

  We are always glad to see at our faculty motivated, active and ambitious young people, who are aimed at getting a better education, open to new knowledge and full dialogue. We believe that the scientific and practical achievements of the faculty will find their actual implementation in you, our future students, and excellent career prospects will be open to the graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.