Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science

Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science

Dear friends, 

Graduates and their parents! 

We invite you to Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Being a student of KazNU is prestigious and responsible. The diploma of our university is a so-called "calling card" of the best university of the country, the leader of higher educational institutions, eduating with the most modern technologies, in accordance with the advanced international standards. Choosing our university, you become a part of our large corporation. A successful university consists not only from talented teachers, successful graduates, but also from the most intelligent students.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has made a phenomenal breakthrough, advancing in the QS global ranking to 165 place. Thus, the leading Kazakhstani University has successfully completed the task set by Elbasy N.A.Nazarbayev, as well as laid down in the State Program on Development of Education and Science of the RK, on entering by 2020 at least of two Kazakhstani Universities in the top-200 best HEIs of the world. KazNU has confirmed its compliance with the high level in the world scientific and educational space.

Choosing our university, you will get a quality education, a ticket to a great life, a real chance to build your career, to become successful and famous.

In the era of industrial revolutions, the main requirement for a specialist, first of all, is skill; In the postindustrial or information society, the skill is replaced by technology, the ability to use computer devices. Now the era comes. The era when the leading role in the activity of a professional is mostly played by social and human sciences.

In modern education, the main thing is not the process of the knowledge transfer, but the competences training, the skills of capitalizing the knowledge, the ability to quickly navigate the knowledge system, as well as the ways and skills of self-education. The sages claimed that "an ounce of knowledge is worth a pound of information, and an ounce of understanding is worth a pound of knowledge." In other words, understanding is a way of organizing knowledge, since only acquired knowledge is the foundation of the qualitative level of development and education of the individual. Well-known billionaire Mark Cuban in an interview on Bloomberg TV spoke about the main professions of the future: "Soon the employer will look for candidates who stand out with creative and critical thinking ... In 5-10 years,  professionals of humanitarian disciplines will be in demand ... And the philosophy will use Special demand ".

The Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, which I have the honor to represent, provides training in 10 specialties, realizes two-diploma programs with leading Russian universities, joint training programs with leading foreign universities. We teach in three languages. Our programs are aimed at fostering the formation of creative thinking, obtaining information on a new qualitative level, understanding the systemic links. At six departments of the faculty there are well-known scientists, brilliant teachers who, in the best traditions, will make you feel that you belong to the university community and chosen profession. It is here that you will be able to receive incentives for further independent solutions to emerging problems, both professional and life; Meeting the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural, moral and physical development; Reveal your talents; Learn the skills of adaptation to social change and the development of positive patterns of behavior. Studying at our department, you will live in a unique university campus.

Today you have a real opportunity to make the right choice and build your future together with us.