- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Social Sciences
1. present the main stages and patterns of society's development to form ideological positions and explain social reality in the context of the development of world and national culture, the foundations of spirituality and intellectuality of modern Kazakhstan, the principles and norms of the anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, key competencies based on modern concepts of environmental management;
2. to determine the social structure of society according to national-cultural, class-group, religious characteristics and social inequality, economic way of thinking, rational financial behavior;
3. to interpret professional terms and concepts, directions of development of sociological thought, the originality of classical theoretical concepts and approaches in the history of the formation of Western and Kazakh sociology;
4. apply sociological theories and methodology to study modern problems of society, methodological and scientific culture, knowledge systems, skills and abilities in the organization and conduct of scientific research;
5. to systematize basic knowledge in specialized fields of sociology, the principles of correlation of methodology and methods of sociological cognition in the study of social institutions and processes of society, in anthropological, economic and demographic approaches, in the basics of social statistics;
6. to highlight the features of the main sociological techniques, methods, approaches to quantitative and qualitative measurement of social, political, economic, cultural and religious information in applied sociological research, methods and techniques of interpretation, explanation, generalization;
7. demonstrate the development of methods and technologies for measuring social reality, evaluating modern social, economic, political and organizational models;
8. to form an understanding of multidimensional methods of analyzing sociological data, methods of statistical data analysis in the collection of information; specific tasks of scientific research in various fields of sociology through applied research;
9. to assess the features and trends in the development of modern society, global and regional socio-economic, cultural and political processes, current problems of education, socialization and the phenomenon of youth;
10. analyze theoretical and applied approaches to conducting E-mail and WEB surveys, creating interactive questionnaires, guides for online focus groups, conducting online discussions, advantages, limitations, disadvantages;
11. use specialized programs, network technologies, Internet resources, remote resources for effective algorithms for storing and processing information;
12. conduct applied sociological research to obtain results, present and develop practical recommendations for their solution.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years