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- International Journalism
International Journalism
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Social Scienсes
LO1 To reproduce the media product of international topics, taking into account the understanding of the mission of modern international journalism, the evolutionary formation and development of the democratic press of Kazakhstan and compliance with the ideological, political, national, stylistic and linguistic originality of domestic journalism; to distinguish the main stages and processes of development of foreign journalism to assess the history and patterns of its development.
LO2 To orient oneself in the theory and practice of genre forms and functions of modern journalism; to use the right to freedom of expression to achieve the goals of society; to evaluate the foreign experience of citizen journalism as a phenomenon of the global world, new communications and as part of a professional social initiative.
LO3 To form the content of group indicators of media literacy indicators, interpretation of media texts/ information messages, use media resources, increase the level of information literacy and culture of consumption of media content, effectively use media for educational purposes, development of public interaction.
LO4 To build communication with media representatives in a foreign language by mastering linguistic communication skills in the professional activity of an international journalist; using the principles of functioning of media economics, media planning in media industries, to distinguish the specific features of media management and marketing.
LO5 Assess the specifics of interviews as a method of collecting information, a journalist's tool and a genre of journalism, master the practice of conducting interviews; explain the format, factors and effects of the impact of global news networks on world public opinion, international politics and diplomacy; apply tools for preparing communication events in the diplomatic sphere to inform the international activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
LO6 To be guided in the profession by the main international documents and legal norms of journalistic ethics, to understand the causes of moral and ethical violations associated with professional journalistic activity; to determine the framework of legal resolution and regulation of media problems arising in the work of an international journalist with strict observance of the legal norms of the state; to understand the role of the media in covering electoral processes as the main tool for shaping political culture, public opinion; broadcast forms of media participation in the electoral process.
LO7 In the process of collecting, processing and reproducing mass media, possess the technical means of print and electronic journalism to organize the work of editorial offices as a production and technical structure in accordance with modern requirements for the content of the latest media technologies; create mass media materials in certain genres, formats and styles using modern sign systems (verbal, photo,audio-, video, graphic) depending on the type of media.
LO8 Summarize the experience of global media brands in the global market of global information television networks, taking into account the profile of the target audience of TV channels, the specifics of the format and politics of these media brands; differentiate national media models, the specifics of their types and genres; build and implement information and analytical activities for the examination and prognostication of trends in the development of political systems, economies, cultural processes foreign countries and regions with subsequent media coverage.
ON9 To argue the importance of the foundations of the legislative framework of the information security of the state, to identify the problems of information protection; to create counteractions to threats to information security; to substantiate the role of intercultural communications in expanding the cultural and historical identity of countries; to subdivide the national reflection of culture in media communications, regional information, barriers of language and gender differences
LO10 In accordance with the thematic diversity of journalism, determine the goals, objectives, functions of political and foreign business journalism; classify genres of foreign analytical journalism; in order to study foreign media, possess modern sociological methods and media psychological tools for collecting information, as well as be able to operate with the methodology of psychotechnical analysis of media text.
LO11 Demonstrate the delivery of international content to the target audience, search for and promptly cover current public events; create a high-quality media product, model ways of presenting information in media texts; explain the specifics of the work of the press service and newsmaking technology; describe the process of tracking information flows and reasons for creating news.
LO12 Adapt new communication and digital technologies, as well as the experience of convergent and multimedia journalism in the practice of modern world and Kazakh media; create infographics for journalistic materials and online media projects in order to better assimilate information by the audience; introduce innovations in social networks to increase interest in content using graphics, tables, diagrams.
LO13 Assess theories, criteria and fundamentals of international relations; assess the essence of media freedom of expression and sustainable development in covering problems of foreign countries and regions in the media; apply communication support to environmental problems and initiatives; carry out up-to-date verification of information in the international digital media space to exclude fake news.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years