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- Аrchival Studies, Documentation and Documentation Provision
Аrchival Studies, Documentation and Documentation Provision
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Social Sciences
ON 1 Organize work of service of documentary support of management and archival storage of documents; to analyze a condition of documentary support of management of the specific organization; develop local normative and methodical acts regulating work with documents;
ON2 Use in professional activity modern computer information and telecommunication technologies in archival, documentary and Archeographic activity at the level of the qualified user.
ON3Organize the use of documents of the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan (archival, audiovisual, scientific and technical and personal documents) for scientific, reference and practical purposes.
ON4 Organize work on personnel management; to evaluate the activities of personnel; to form a personnel reserve; to participate in the social development of the team, the resolution of labor disputes and conflicts; to develop and implement measures to improve the organization of labor of personnel.
ON5Demonstrate professional knowledge in the field of domestic and foreign archival science, document science, theory and methodology of archival science,office work, history of state institutions and archeography.
ON6 Analyze software products used in document management, work in electronic document management systems; organize an electronic archive of enterprises, to ensure information security and data integrity, to organize information protection.
ON 7 Identify archival documents, determine the types and types of publications and their scientific value and relevance, compile a scientific reference apparatus for collections; publish historical sources.
ON 8 Determine the factors of the effectiveness of management and marketing in the archival sphere and documentation support, organize archive outsourcing, participate in the development of the marketing strategy of organizations, plan and implement measures aimed at its implementation, model management situations.
ON 9 Organize work to ensure the safety of documents (including technotronic documents) in the archives; correctly classify archival funds and archives, master the technologies of digitization of archival documents, apply modern methods of archival climatology, of preservation and restoration of archival documents.
ON 10 Analyze the stages of completing the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan with documents (archival, scientific and technical, audiovisual, electronic, documents of personal origin, documents of commercial organizations); conduct an expert examination of the value of documents, prepare them for archival storage or destruction; make an expert opinion.
ON 11 Use the knowledge of related sciences for their professional purposes: philosophy, sociology, political science, cultural studies, ecology, history, history of state institutions, economics, linguistics and law, adapt to non-standard situations, work in a team.
ON 12 Participate in the paleographic description of documents, conduct analysis and scientific criticism of written historical sources, use knowledge of Oriental languages and Latin when working with sources.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years