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- Bachelor's program
- Educational programs
- Public Service
Public Service
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Law
- First Stage of Higher Short Education - Bachelor of Law
ON 1. - To interpret the basic legal concepts, essence and legal basis of the civil service; principles of activity, organization of state bodies and management, as well as laws, trends of their development;
- to classify the basic rights and freedoms of man and citizen, objects and subjects of public administration, to distinguish types of legal relations, to determine the measure of responsibility;
- explain civil law transactions arising in the public service, scientific and practical problems in the field of legal regulation of property and personal non-property rights;
- - to characterize the features of the foundations of the state system of Kazakhstan;
- - the relationship and features of public administration and local government; explain the stages of the legislative process.
ON 2. - to determine the General laws of the emergence, functioning and development of the state and law, to understand the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the state and law, the principles of organization and conduct of the electoral system, the referendum, the basis of the legal status of the individual in Kazakhstan;
- to understand the pluralism of opinions and ideas about the state and law in history, to explain the modern aspects of the concept and political and legal practice of social interactions, to predict their occurrence and development;
- to characterize the forms and methods of legal bases of anti-corruption, the method of legal analysis of legislation on public service;
- to use modern methods of adoption and implementation of organizational and managerial decisions, control and evaluation of personnel in accordance with duties, methods of legal analysis of legislation on public service, etc.
ON 3. - to determine the place and role of Executive authorities in the system of public authorities;
- to explain the state functions in the constitutional,legal and economic sphere, official powers in the sphere of public administration and the essence of public service;
- describe the legal basis for the regulation of public service; the order of admission, passage and termination of public service.
ON 4. - to use the conceptual apparatus, to apply criminal law, civil law and procedural norms;
- conduct administrative and constitutional proceedings, collect, measure, monitor and analyze mass statistics;
- to apply procedural actions in the sphere of public administration, legal proceedings, state legal norms in the activities of state bodies, local self-government bodies, public associations;
- to choose specific rules for the application and implementation of the latest legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, methods of protection and ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens;
- interpret and apply generally accepted rules of international law;
- draw up protocols, contracts, draft laws and draft legal acts, draft expert opinions.
ON 5. - to analyze the features of the construction and functioning of the Supreme authorities and management in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the impact of domestic political, foreign policy and economic factors on the security of the state;
- compare public service legislation of different countries;
- to establish specific features of constitutional proceedings in the constitutional Council.
ON 6. - to differentiate the positive and negative aspects of the development of constitutional, administrative, criminal and civil, labor legislation in different countries;
- to argue their own point of view when drawing up an expert opinion in the constitutional Council, the courts and other state bodies, to assess the reforms carried out in the system of public administration and public service;
- to summarize the practice of the courts, constitutional proceedings, the activities of the state and municipal service, human rights bodies, the data of international legal experience in the fight against corruption.
ON 7. - to choose the most effective model of local self-government development in relation to the peculiarities of administrative-territorial units, methods of research and processing of statistical materials;
- to analyze the state policy on ensuring human and state security;
- evaluate, explain and solve legal situations arising in the process of legitimate interests, protection of the rights of financial organizations;
ON 8. - interpret the provisions of the current legislation and explain;
- choose the right model of conduct in accordance with the code of civil servants;
- analyze socially significant problems and processes;
- integrate knowledge and cope with complex issues arising in the process of state regulation of financial activities;
ON 9. - Choose the right solutions and perform legal actions in strict accordance with the law;
- to solve legal problems arising in the sphere of state power and management;
- to organize projects to develop problems of administrative and territorial structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to improve the organization and activities of forensic and forensic examinations;
ON 10. - to evaluate the norms of legislation in the field of constitutional, administrative legal relations that are important in law enforcement practice and in the professional activity of a lawyer;
- to predict the main trends in the development of public administration and self-government in Kazakhstan and the main directions of improving the activities of law enforcement agencies of Kazakhstan;
- recommend the main ways to improve all institutions of civil society of Kazakhstan, the main directions of development of the mechanism of protection and ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens of Kazakhstan;
ON 11. - choose effective ways to solve the problems of development of financial legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- to manage the decision-making process taking into account the peculiarities of local representative and Executive bodies;
- to carry out legal examination of normative acts, examination of labor disputes and resolution of labor conflict situations;
ON 12. - use in personal activities various types of information and communication technologies: Internet resources, cloud and mobile services for search, storage, protection and dissemination of information;
- focus on a healthy lifestyle to ensure full social and professional activities through methods and means of physical culture;
- to enter into communication in three languages to solve the problems of interpersonal, intercultural and industrial (professional) communication; to use language and speech means based on the system of grammatical knowledge;
- to assess the surrounding reality on the basis of ideological positions formed by knowledge of the foundations of philosophy; to assess situations in various areas of interpersonal, social and professional communication, taking into account the basic knowledge of sociology, political science, cultural studies and psychology;
- to use methods and techniques of description to analyze the causes and consequences of the events of modern Kazakhstan.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years