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- Bachelor's program
- Educational programs
- Financial Law
Financial Law
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Law
- Second Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Law
- First Stage of Higher Short Education - Bachelor of Law
Upon completion of this program, it is expected that students will be able to:
1.resolve legal situations in the financial sector and assess the current state and prospects for its development; understand and defend the national economic interests of Kazakhstan in all areas of the financial sector of the country's economy; demonstrate knowledge of the technology of formation of the monetary policy of Kazakhstan in modern conditions; interpret and apply the regulatory legal framework; explain the procedure for resolving disputes directly related to banking and other related activities, as well as represent the interests of banks and banking organizations in court and in other government bodies.
2. resolve legal situations in the field of securities management and investment diversification; to carry out legal support by trust management of securities and company activity; be able to conduct claim work with counterparties; analyze legal claims and be able to classify violations in the sphere of securities circulation; assess the situation on the securities market and be able to propose measures for the effectiveness of the organization of legal support for improving the situation.
3. resolve legal situations in the insurance sector, apply the skills of comparative analysis of insurance legislation; to own methods of studying the legal regulation of insurance relations; explore the rules of insurance law and insurance relationships, their types and features; demonstrate competence in understanding the main theoretical categories in the field of insurance law.
4. have skills in resolving legal situations in the tax sphere, represent the interests of the state and taxpayers on tax matters; understand and interpret the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; navigate the tax system in the Republic of Kazakhstan; analyze and classify tax legal relations; understand the technique and organization of tax control;
5. to carry out legal expertise of documents of a legal nature in the field of financial audit and financial control; provide legal support of documentation in the process of making and making decisions on the results of financial audit and financial control; demonstrate the ability and willingness to operate with legal concepts and knowledge of principles and procedural forms when considering financial disputes; be able to resolve legal issues arising in connection with the activities of an organization authorized to deal with financial disputes and interpret and apply international legal procedural sources; have skills in drafting written documents of legal content, work out an algorithm for carrying out legal proceedings related to the implementation of legal norms at different stages of the process of resolving financial disputes.
6. to carry out legal expertise of documents of a legal nature, as well as legal support in the field of state property management and privatization; know and analyze the content of legislation regulating economic relations; use the knowledge of the legal status of economic entities and their features in financial and economic legal relations; have skills in the preparation of legal documents, have the ability to make legal decisions and perform other legal actions in strict accordance with the legislation on economic (business) activities; be able to use legal means of protecting the rights of economic entities.
7. understand and interpret budget legislation; have the skills to solve legal situations in the public sector; competently navigate the procedural aspects of the budget process; understand the technique and organization of the implementation of budgetary control and state budget audit; demonstrate knowledge of the legal analysis of the composition of violations of budget legislation.
8. legal support of the activities of international financial organizations; demonstrate the ability and willingness to operate with legal concepts and categories of international financial and banking law; analyze legal facts and legal relations arising in connection with them in the field of international financial regulation, including taking into account regional international specifics; interpret and correctly apply the rules of international financial and banking law, make decisions and take legal actions in strict accordance with the law; to give qualified legal opinions and advice on the regulation of the international legal order in the global financial system.
9. demonstrate the ability and willingness to operate with legal concepts and knowledge of the principles and procedural forms of interaction between international commercial arbitration and state courts; knowledge of the principles and limits of control of state courts in respect of decisions of international commercial arbitration; the ability to resolve legal issues arising in connection with the activities of international commercial arbitration; interpret and apply international legal sources of international commercial arbitration; have the skills to write written documents of legal content, to develop an algorithm for carrying out legal proceedings related to the implementation of legal norms at different stages of the enforcement process in international commercial arbitration.
10. legal support of the activities of the state and non-state financial markets; to conduct an examination of legal documents on the regulation of financial turnover, carry out claims work with counterparties, advise and clarify legal issues, be able to classify financial violations; apply knowledge and ability to solve problems in existing and potential problems of domestic and international investment law at the level of interdisciplinary contexts; able to integrate their knowledge and solve complex issues in the field of investment law theory and practical investment activity.
11. understand and interpret currency legislation; analyze and navigate the system of currency regulation; analyze and classify currency legal relations and relations in the field of money circulation; have the skills to solve legal situations in the field of money turnover and the sphere of currency regulation; understand the technique and organization of currency control;
12. analysis and legal classification of corpus delicti in the national and international financial sphere; understand the essence, goals and functions of financial risk management, have an idea of the existing approaches and discussion questions on the definition of the essence of financial risks, their classifications and methods of managing them, on the directions of financial policy and financial risk management and on the problems of financial risk management in a modern economy; navigate the conceptual framework of financial contract law; interpret and apply civil and financial legislation in the development of financial contracts and transactions; to freely operate and apply the concepts and categories in the sphere of competition and monopoly, necessary for the study and assimilation of the main content of the domestic antitrust law; Understand and interpret the basic institutions and mechanisms for regulating relations in the field of competition, including the mechanisms for ensuring competition, the established forms.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years