- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Business and Management
- Second Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Business and Management
- First Stage of Higher Short Education - Bachelor of Business and Management
ON1 To demonstrate fundamental economic knowledge in the field of organization of monetary circulation and finance, the foundations of the organization and functioning of the financial system of the country as a whole, its individual areas and links, as well as the foundations and features of the implementation of credit relations in the domestic and international markets. Interpret data on the structure, subjects, patterns and dynamics of the modern financial system. To classify the forms of implementation of financial relations, goals, functions and main objectives of the activities of public institutions and financial organizations.
ON 2 Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of scientific theories of different schools and trends. Calculate the impact of modern digital finance on the development of the national economy of Kazakhstan, its individual sectors, industries and enterprises.
ON 3 Identify the main trends in the use of computer technology in financial management of public institutions and financial organizations. Plan and manage the activities of enterprises, analyze the effectiveness of its financial operations and the effectiveness of the use of financial resources
ON 4 Use the legislation in the field of taxes, banking system, insurance companies, securities market, financial management. Apply and use the obtained economic knowledge in financial, monetary,insurance and credit institutions
ON 5 Identify the main trends in the use of computer technology in banking. To justify the reasons and prerequisites of banking operations. Compare bank tariffs and investments, highlighting both common features and specifics. Analyze the causes and solutions to the problems of banking.
ON6 to Present scientific theories within the framework of modern scientific financial directions. Check theoretical knowledge in practical skills in the field of financial management of financial and economic objects.
ON7 Use scientific methods and techniques to analyze financial processes in various spheres of the national economy, as well as the entire socio-political cluster. Make a schedule of cyclical financial processes taking place in the world economy, to understand and defend the national economic interests of Kazakhstan.
ON8 to Determine the content of the modern financial policy of the state and the region and the development trends of the system of financial relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Streamline extensive knowledge of the theory and practice of financial risk management.
ON9 to Practice the ability to analytical thinking, logic, analysis, scientific studies and creative problem solving in the field of economic science, systematization and synthesis of information for the implementation and management of commercial, trade, currency, transport, customs, banking, financial and other operations
ON 10 Demonstrate perfect knowledge of the basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing financial information. In the professional activity of the financier, constantly improve their skills to be ready to continue their education in graduate school
ON11 Demonstrate the ability to work in a team, find compromises and correlate their opinion with the opinion of the team, possession of positive communication skills based on the principles of patriotism, citizenship and tolerance, understanding of multiculturalism as a condition of modern global society, the ability to choose priorities of educational and research activities; the ability to Express their views on socio-economic problems; understanding and respect for civil rights, freedoms and duties of the individual in different countries and cultures; willingness to work in a multinational and multicultural team
ON 12 to Define independently and to plan time, to set priorities, to observe the set terms of performance of works. Interpret learning outcomes in the context of the course "Finance" and summarize them in the form of research work. To regulate the system of financial relations of a commercial enterprise, the concept of the peculiarities of the implementation of financial relations in commercial organizations of various organizational and legal forms, to have a systematic understanding of the trends in the development of state and local Finance, insurance, finance of business entities.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years