- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Business and Management
1 Apply the basic concepts, principles and tools of modern marketing using the principles and technologies, scientific, methodological and organizational and technological base of marketing;
2 Apply ethical frameworks and principles based on historical and philosophical marketing discourses, along with an understanding of various cultural contexts, to make decisions in marketing strategies and practices;
3 Apply pedagogical theories and practices to implement marketing programs in order to develop the ability to attract and motivate students to study marketing concepts, theories and practical applications, promoting critical thinking and intercultural understanding;
4 Develop marketing communications strategies, plan advertising campaigns, PR promotions and build their image;
5 Apply the main tools for the implementation of the international marketing mix using positioning and brand management methods;
6 Apply strategic market segmentation analysis tools to assess the target audience of the enterprise;
7 Use the features of the market of banking, tourism, agricultural services to be able to apply various concepts and marketing tools in the sectors of the country's economy;
8 Plan to increase the consumer's susceptibility to information through positive emotions with the help of new event technologies;
9 Develop a coordinated promotional program to obtain the desired response from consumers;
10 Perform economic evaluation of marketing decisions, including investment and innovative marketing projects;
11 Practice active use of digital technologies and programs to monitor the effectiveness and appropriateness of marketing decisions made;
12 Analyze the relationship between the functional strategies of companies to prepare effective marketing decisions.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years