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- Bachelor's program
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- Life Safety and Environmental Protection
Life Safety and Environmental Protection
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor in the area of Services
Upon completion of this program, graduates are expected to be able to:
NO1. To interact with functional services and structural divisions and monitor compliance with occupational safety requirements, prevention of industrial emergencies and environmental protection using methodological and regulatory documents;
NO2. To choose effective means of protection against negative factors of production and the environment based on a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the means of protection;
NO3. Develop new techniques and technologies to ensure life safety, environmental protection, protection in emergency situations using international and national standards and standards of enterprises;
NO4. To use modern technologies to eliminate the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies and to put into practice the skills of providing first aid to victims in emergency situations to reduce the loss of population and personnel of economic facilities;
NO5 To carry out work on the preparation of a report and the maintenance of documents for ongoing research for the development and implementation of measures to ensure the safety of production, human and the environment;
NO6. To organize the activities of departments for labor protection, industrial and fire safety, protection of the environment at the enterprise level, as well as the activities of the enterprise in an emergency situation;
NO7. Develop regulatory and technical documentation in the field of life safety and environmental protection to ensure safety in general, based on the principles of safety culture and the concept of risk-oriented thinking;
NO8. To ensure the effectiveness of the Occupational Safety Management System at the enterprise and to assess occupational risks taking into account the nature of harmful and dangerous factors of the production environment based on measurement data and monitoring of the workflow;
NO9. To carry out certification of workplaces for the creation of comfortable working conditions, prevention and prevention of accidents and occupational diseases at work, taking into account the current trend in the development of equipment and technology in the field of integrated safety, measuring and computing equipment, information technology;
NO10. To create safe living conditions in everyday life and in professional activity for the preservation of the natural environment, ensuring the sustainable development of society, including in the event of a threat and occurrence of emergency situations and military conflicts;
NO11. To build a personal educational trajectory throughout life for self-development and career growth, to focus on a healthy lifestyle to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities through methods and means of physical culture;
NO12. Identify hazardous areas, acceptable risk zones by measuring the levels of hazards in production conditions, with the processing of the results obtained according to the methodology for predicting the possible development of the situation.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years