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- Geodesy and Cartography
Geodesy and Cartography
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Technics and Technologies
- First Stage of Higher Short Education - Bachelor of Technics and Technologies
1-LO: Use theoretical knowledge of cartography as a tool for understanding the environment and how it is reflected in spatial analysis to produce topographic maps and plans, atlases and other cartographic works based on automated coordinate calculations and algorithms.
2-LO: To use the ethical and ecological principles laid down in the basis of the natural - right teaching of Al-Farabi and Abai about the regularities of the development and functioning of the Earth's geospheres for its correct display on general geographical and thematic maps.
3-LO: Justify probability theory, mathematical statistics, error analysis in geodetic measurement processing to make predictions of the development of landform geodynamics and to develop and publish thematic maps using GIS.
4-LO: Use interdisciplinary knowledge, internet technology, and digital mapping techniques to extract information about the Earth's geospheres and gain practical skills and construction techniques.
5-LO: Demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical foundations of aerospace methods to assess their role in the study of natural resources, natural hazards, geodynamic system development, environmental protection, and environmental mapping.
6-LO: Use geodynamic research methods, cartographic materials, topographic, photogrammetric and aerospace surveys during cadastral and land surveying works to visualise the results of processing in GIS software.
7-LO: To develop the basics of computer literacy and design, mapping and map design methodology to gain practical skills in programming and modelling geographical features using modern geographical information systems.
8-LO: Design and produce terrain and elevation models using cartographic and geodetic measurements, remote sensing processing and modern digital technologies, based on an analysis of digital mapping theory to solve practical problems.
9-LO: Analyse the principles of landscape and agro-landscape spatial planning to develop methods of geo-information mapping, surveying and modelling in engineering, land surveying and cadastral work based on analysis of mathematical statistics and calculations.
10-LO: To evaluate the process of automated creation and design of thematic maps based on the analysis of the state of natural conditions of territories and the processing of remote sensing data for the production of cartographic products.
11-LO: Interpret theoretical knowledge of geo-information modelling, design and layout of special maps, atlases and topographic plans to develop GIS design and publishing techniques based on analysis of the organisation and economics of cartographic and surveying production and digital technology.
12-LO: To develop technological maps for the production of construction processes using integrated mechanization of work and advanced labor methods; to design construction master plans for individual buildings and structures; to build and use cartographic models to describe and predict various phenomena in nature, economics and social activities; to transform geographical information into a cartographic view.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years