- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor in the area of Services
- First Stage of Higher Short Education - Bachelor in the area of Services
ON1: contextualize the theoretical and methodological foundations of tourism, the provisions of international conventions and UNWTO documents, methods and technologies for working with special information, taking into account multiculturalism, multilingualism and specific features of tourism.
ON2: apply the regulatory and legislative framework in the field of regulation of tourism activities, tourism economics, insurance, standardization of tourism services and combating corruption.
ON3: apply modern information and communication technologies, including applied digital tourism technologies, smart tourism, artificial intelligence for the purposes of tourism production, development and mapping of routes, management, training and scientific research in professional tourism activities.
ON 4: plan and predict the need of a tourist enterprise for material, financial, human, information and other resources.
ON 5: implement a policy of ensuring the quality of tourism services, including through competitive pricing, standardization and certification, infrastructure development based on the study of the tourism market and interaction with external entities, the formation and maintenance of a partner network.
ON 6: apply evidence-based methods for studying the tourism market, the territorial organization of tourism, tourism statistics, the conditions for the formation, promotion and sale of a tourism product, tourism and hospitality services for the purposes of assessing, forecasting and planning, minimizing risks, organizing the implementation of a business plan.
ON 7: manage human resources, maintaining corporate culture, requirements and norms of professional ethics and business communication that are mandatory for a hospitality enterprise
ON 8: develop, sell and promote tourism products and services, taking into account the specifics of forms, types and types of tourism and areas of tourism activities, models of territorial organization of tourism, quality and safety assurance.
ON 9: master the basics of tour operating, including technologies for developing tours, including those with an increased level of risk, with active movement along the route, as well as their promotion in a competitive environment.
ON 10: organize consultations on the rules for visiting the destination and other tourist formalities, the terms of the contract for the provision of tourist services, the geography of travel and the rules for visiting tourist attractions, museums in the context of the development of world and national culture, security measures and insurance rules.
ON 11: apply knowledge in the field of cultural heritage, geography, history, architecture, social structure, sustainable development to form and promote a competitive tourism product, taking into account the type of tourism, possible risks, including in new and unfamiliar contexts, in a multicultural and foreign language environment.
ON 12: to carry out effective communications, cross-functional interaction with partners in a multitasking and multilingual environment, publicly presenting and defending their own professional ideas and results of activities, in order to achieve the results of planning, managing sales, risks and business processes of a tourist enterprise.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years