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- Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine
- First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Natural Science
ON1 Interpret, analyze, evaluate and prioritize relevant data for disease diagnosis and management planning. To apply knowledge of physical and chemical, as well as nuclear properties and characteristics of substances of medical and biological importance and used in the field of nuclear medicine for diagnosis and radionuclide therapy.
ON2 to Apply theoretical knowledge and research methods in the field of nuclear medicine for the organization, establishment and maintenance of nuclear-physical medical facilities; to distinguish the main types of target devices used for the development of radioactive isotopes for nuclear medicine;
ON3 to Choose the optimal physical and technical parameters and modes of scintigraphy and/or gamma tomography processes (oft, oft/CT, PET/CT) and to carry out with the help of these methods medical visualization of pathological areas of the patient's body both before the course of radionuclide diagnosis and therapy for the purpose of its dosimetric planning, and after it in order to assess the effectiveness of the treatment.
ON4 to Interpret the mechanisms of interaction of neutron and charged particles with biological substance, and to calculate the probability of response of a biological cell to radioactive irradiation and to build a "dose-effect"function. Conduct radiometric and dosimetric measurements of radiation background using nuclear physical equipment, such as radiometers, dosimeters, spectrometers;
ON5 Apply theoretical knowledge to nuclear and radiation safety, nuclear material safety and physical protection of medical nuclear facilities, control systems and automated control of medical radiation nuclear facilities. Evaluate the General principles of radiation registration, the interaction of radiation with matter;
ON6 Apply knowledge of pharmacology and radiopharmacology to the development, manufacture, preparation, dosing, use of a radioactive drug for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, as well as rules and regulations for radiopharmaceutical operations.
ON7 Use modern information and digital technologies and information systems of nuclear medicine, technical documentation of medical devices and original scientific literature to solve professional problems. Apply theoretical and numerical research methods, conduct theoretical and experimental studies of phenomena, processes, properties of substances.
ON8 Calculate the radiation protection of the working premises of the "hot" laboratory, and research centers with a cyclotron for pet research, rooms with gamma cameras, ofect and PET scanners, including ofect/CT and PET/CT scanners, as well as "active" chambers in the radionuclide therapy unit.
ON9 Conduct exploratory research in the development of research methods in the field of nuclear medicine using the latest achievements of modern technologies; perform nuclear imaging using modern specialized gamma-recording cameras equipped with a detection system and computer software;
ON10 to Organize methodical assistance to the radiologist in statistical processing of results of radionuclide diagnostic researches, in use of programs and algorithms of the computer analysis and recognition of radionuclide and multimodal images.
ON11 support The need for continuous professional training and improvement of their knowledge and skills throughout their professional activities. Analyze information from various sources, discuss in global computer networks. Independently to master new information technologies.
ON12 Observe ethical principles in all professional interactions with patients, colleagues and society at large, regardless of ethnicity, culture, gender, economic status or sexual orientation.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years