PhD program



  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

MODEL OF GRADUATING STUDENT analyze, using modern theoretical approaches, the patterns of conflict and peaceful interaction in various spheres of society’s activities;
2. to conduct an independent research on the problems of conflict and peaceful interaction in society, determine the factors and patterns;
3. to possess the modern research methods and techniques, carry out critical analysis and suggest new hypotheses in research on Conflict Studies;
4. critically evaluate the activities of state and non-state organizations, civil society in the process of the emergence, escalation and resolution of conflicts;
5. to develop the technologies for resolving corporate and organizational conflicts, to minimize the conflict potential of tactical and strategic decisions in management;
6. to analyze and critically evaluate the strategic and tactical recommendations of conflict resolution in social and political activities;
7. to participate in the creation and implementation of programs to reduce conflict and maintain peace in the practice of individuals, social institutions and associations via using methods, techniques of non-conflict (tolerant) interaction;
8. to apply the methodology of interdisciplinary analysis of conflict and peace, use the categorical apparatus of the humanities and social sciences, taking into account the subject field of Conflict Studies, the multifactorial conditionality of conflict and peace;
9. to create the databases (Big Data) for decision-making in the field of conflict prevention, resolution and analysis of socio-political conflicts;
10. to make scientific contributions by own original research which are relevant of publication at the national or international level;
11. to carry out communicative activities in the scientific field in accordance with international standards of scientific practice;
12. to carry out educational activities in higher education, teach the Conflict Studies disciplines in order to form a system of knowledge about conflicts and peace, alternative techniques for preventing, resolving and managing conflicts and maintaining peace.

Program passport

Speciality Name
Speciality Code
Philosophy and Political Science


Academic Writing
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - he discipline is aimed at studying the methods and technologies of academic writing. The aim of the course is to develop competencies for writing in accordance with international standards of research and publication activities. The content of the discipline consists of teaching doctoral students methods and technologies for constructing a text from the formulation of a research question, putting forward a hypothesis to the final editing of the text. As a result of studying the discipline, doctoral students will be able to: - apply technologies for organizing scientific texts; - argumentatively present their own scientific position, using a set of rhetorical and discursive reasoning tools; - to carry out effective communication in the scientific and academic environment.

Conflictological analysis and expertise
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form the competence necessary for conflict assessment, analysis, recommendations and decision-making process for conflict prevention and resolution. During the study of course, PhD students should be competent: - to analyze and predict the conflict in various spheres of society on the basis of modern theoretical approaches and applied methods; - to apply "Big Data" in monitoring and examination of social and political conflicts; - to use relevant methods of conflict diagnosis; -to assess the level of society conflict potential; - to identify indicators of conflict; - to simulate conflict situations; - to develop projects in order to prevent and resolve conflict. Conflictological expertise: methodology and terminology. Theoretical aspects of the analysis of specific conflict situations. Analysis and expertise of conflict interaction in various spheres of society. Stages of conflict analysis and expertise. Methods of conflictological examination. Applied research methodology and data analysis (Big Data) in conflict. Detection the causes of conflict. The circumstances of conflict. Conflict situation and incident. Identification and rules of formulation of the conflict situation. Conflictogenes, their types and characteristics.

Conflicts in public administration
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: the study of the methodology of public and political management in order to develop competencies for the analysis of contradictions, factors and conditions of political conflict, and the development and justification of political and managerial decisions. During the study of course, PhD students should be competent: analyze conflicts in the public administration over the redistribution and implementation of public power - to identify the nature and causes of conflicts in the public administration, - to reveal the typology of administrative and state conflicts, - create databases (big data) for decision-making in the field of conflict prevention, resolution and resolution and analysis of socio-political conflicts; - to develop technologies for resolving corporate and organizational conflicts, to minimize the conflict potential of tactical and strategic decisions in management; - analyze and critically evaluate strategic and tactical recommendations in the field of conflict resolution in the field of public administration. During the study of the discipline, PhD students will learn following aspects: The causes and nature of conflicts in the public administration. Typology of conflicts in public administration. Characteristic features of the state and political management of the conflict. Features of political, constitutional, governmental, parliamentary crises. Political and legal, socio-economic, organizational and administrative aspects of conflict resolution in the management sphere.

Methods of scientific research
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the course: to form the ability of doctoral students to independently carry out research activities based on the deepening of knowledge about the methods of scientific research, the features of their application in the social sciences. As a result of studying the discipline, doctoral students will be able to: - critical analysis and evaluation of achievements in the social sciences, generating ideas for solving theoretical and practical problems; - design basic and applied research; - independently carry out research activities using modern research methods and technologies for collecting, processing and analyzing empirical material.

PhD thesis writing and defence
  • Number of credits - 12
  • Type of control - Докторская диссертация
  • Description - The main purpose of "PhD thesis writing and defence": of a doctoral dissertation is the formation of the doctoral students' ability to disclose the content of research work for the defense of the thesis. During the study of course, doctoral student's should be competent in: 1. to substantiate the content of new scientifically grounded theoretical and experimental results that allow to solve a theoretical or applied problem or are a major achievement in the development of specific scientific directions; 2. explain the assessment of the completeness of the solutions to the tasks assigned, according to the specifics of the professional sphere of activity; 3. they can analyze alternative solutions for solving research and practical problems and assess the prospects for implementing these options; 4. apply the skills of writing scientific texts and presenting them in the form of scientific publications and presentations. 5. to plan and structure the scientific search, clearly highlight the research problem, develop a plan / program and methods for its study, formalize, in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Establishment, the scientific and qualification work in the form of a thesis for a scientific degree Doctor of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on specialty «8D07502 – Standardization and certification (by industry)». During the study of the discipline doctoral student will learn following aspects: Registration of documents for presentation of the thesis for defense. Information card of the dissertation and registration-registration card (in the format Visio 2003). Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the institution, in which the preliminary defense of the thesis took place. Cover letter to the Higher Attestation Commission. Expert conclusion on the possibility of publishing the author's abstract. Expert opinion on the possibility of publishing a dissertation. Minutes of the meeting of the counting commission. Bulletin for voting. A shorthand record of the meeting of the dissertational council. List of scientific papers. Response of the official opponent. A review of the leading organization. The recall of the scientific adviser.

Data for 2021-2024 years


Civil society in conflict resolution
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: the formation of a comprehensive theoretical and methodological framework for the development of evidence-based and diagnosis of early warning and effective conflict resolution through the formation and development of civil society institutions. During the study of course, PhD students should be competent:: - to analyze the role of civil society and the peculiarities of interaction between the state and civil society institutions in the prevention and resolution of conflicts; - develop programs to reduce conflict and peacekeeping in the practice of individuals, social institutions and associations, based on the use of technologies, methods, techniques of non-conflict (tolerant) interaction. - critically assess the activities of state and non-state organizations, civil society in the process of emergence, escalation and resolution of conflicts; - to conduct independent research on the problems of conflict and peaceful interaction in society, to determine their determining factors and patterns. During the study of the discipline, PhD students will learn following aspects: Civil society. The concept, the system-forming axis of its elements, the background of the function. Theoretical and applied aspects of conflict management in relations between government and civil society at the national, regional and local levels. Civil society as an institution of conflict resolution. Dialogue between civil society and the authorities. Culture of conflict in the relationship between civil society and government. Nature, factors and features of conflict processes in the system of government and civil society at the stage of modernization of modern Kazakhstan.

Foreign models of conflict management
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: the study of different approaches to the analysis of conflicts and the practice of their prevention and resolution in different regions of the world. During the study of course, PhD students should be competent: - to conduct a comparative analysis of foreign experience in conflict management; - to identify the determining factors and patterns of conflict and peaceful interaction at the regional and global levels; During the study of the discipline, PhD students will learn following aspects: General and specific in conflict management in different regions of the world. Political and legal regulation of conflict situations in foreign countries. "Anglo-Saxon model." "European patterns" of conflict management. Features of the "middle East" and "East Asian models" of conflict resolution. Conflict management in Africa and Latin America. "Russian technologies" in conflict resolution and prevention. The practice of applying models and technologies of international conflict management in peacekeeping operations. - to apply the methodology of interdisciplinary analysis of conflict and peace, to use the categorical apparatus of the Humanities and social Sciences, taking into account the subject field of Сonflict Studies, multifactorial conditionality of conflict and peace; - to know modern methods, techniques and techniques of scientific research, to carry out critical analysis and to propose new hypotheses in research on Сonflict Studies.

Modern theory of conflict management
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: the formation of the PhD students a systematic understanding of the concepts and theoretical provisions of modern conflict management theory to develop the competencies needed to develop a methodological framework for research on Conflict Studies. During the study of course, PhD students should be competent: - critically evaluate the various theoretical schools involved in the study of conflict management problems; - to analyze the laws of conflict and peaceful interaction in various spheres of society; - to search for possible alternative technologies for conflict prevention, resolution and management and peacekeeping; - to apply the methodology of interdisciplinary analysis of conflict and peace, to use the categorical apparatus of the Humanities and Social Sciences, taking into account the subject field of Conflict Studies, multifactorial validity of conflict and peace; - to acquire modern methods, research techniques to carry out critical analysis and to propose new hypotheses in Conflict Studies. During the study of the discipline, PhD students will learn following aspects: Development of theories of conflict management: the main stages and their characteristics. Basic theories and concepts of conflict management. J.Burton's Conflict management theory. Socio-philosophical analysis of conflict management. Conflict management and prevention. Conflict management models and strategies. Procedural aspects of conflict resolution: conciliation, mediation, arbitration. Methods of conflict prevention and conflict management technologies (informational, communicative, socio-psychological and organizational). Conflict prevention in the latent stage. Unmanaged conflicts. Conflict management in international relations. Practice of conflict management models and technologies application in peacekeeping operations Modern theory and practice of conflict management in Ethnopolitics.

Negotiation and conflict mediation
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to form a comprehensive view of the methodology and practice of effective negotiation process. During the study of course, PhD students should be competent: - to identify the structure of the negotiation process and mediation in conflicts, - analyze third-party conflict resolution technologies, - to reveal the features, rules and procedures of mediation negotiations; - to apply theoretical knowledge to the analysis of specific socio-political conflicts; - to use various negotiation and mediation procedures and to assess their feasibility and effectiveness. - to participate in the creation and implementation of programs to reduce conflict and peacekeeping in the practice of individuals, social institutions and associations, through the use of methods, techniques, techniques of non-conflict (tolerant) interaction; - critically evaluate the activities of state and non-state organizations, civil society in the process of emergence, escalation and resolution of conflicts. During the study of the discipline, PhD students will learn following aspects: Negotiation process as a form of conflict regulation. Types of negotiations from the point of view of the intervention of third parties. Direct negotiation: concept, content, procedure. Managing negotiations. Factors that determine the possibility of negotiations. The main stages of the negotiation process. Mistakes of negotiation process: organizational, behavioral, communicative. basic principles of effective discussion. Negotiating styles. The method of principled negotiation. Techniques of the negotiation process. Third-party interference in the conflict consultation, arbitration, arbitration, observation as a means of intervention in the conflict: the boundaries of use, specificity. Factors in choosing the form of mediation in the conflict.

Social Partnership
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: the study of theoretical issues of the essence of strategic partnership, the disclosure of the principles of the organization and the mechanism of strategic partnership, the acquisition of skills of independent initiative and creative use of theoretical knowledge in practice. As a result of mastering the course, the doctoral student will be able to: - to identify the features of the organization of social partnership, methodological and applied approaches to its analysis; - to regulate issues arising in connection with participation in social partnership relations; - to develop special social programs on the basis of rules, norms, procedures, sanctions, legitimate in the process of finding a joint solution and settlement of the conflict. - critically assess the activities of state and non-state organizations, civil society in the process of emergence, escalation and resolution of conflicts; - to conduct independent research on the problems of conflict and peaceful interaction in society, to determine their determining factors and patterns. During the study of the discipline, PhD students will learn following aspects: Conceptual approaches to the definition of "strategic partnership" and its varieties. Institutions of strategic partnership. Cooperation, compromise and competition in civil and legal society. Technologies to achieve effective strategic partnership. The concept of strategic partnership in international relations for the prevention and resolution of conflicts. Forms and directions of strategic partnership of Kazakhstan.

The role of media and new media in conflicts
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to give a systematic view of the possibilities of information technology in modern political conflicts and the mobilization or minimization of the protest potential of society. During the study of course, PhD students should be competent: - analyze media and "new media" as a special subject, tool and channel of conflict interaction, - to determine mediatization, its course, mechanism of functioning and possible effects of conflict interaction. - create databases (Big Data) for decision-making in the field of prevention, settlement and resolution of conflicts and analysis of socio-political conflicts; - to conduct independent research on the problems of conflict and peaceful interaction in society, to determine their determining factors and patterns. During the study of the discipline, PhD students will learn following aspects: Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the role of the media in modern conflicts. Media as an object and subject of conflict relations. Influence of mass media and "new media" on the current conflicts. Comparison of traditional media and "new media" in the process of conflict management and. Politicization of media. The media in the coverage of the social, political, geopolitical conflict: international experience and Kazakhstan. Information wars and their consequences.

Data for 2021-2024 years


  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - Aim оf discipline: formation of the ability to carry out educational activities in universities, to design the educational process and conduct certain types of training sessions using innovative educational technologies.

  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - The purpose of the practice: gaining experience in the study of an actual scientific problem, expand the professional knowledge gained in the learning process, and developing practical skills for conducting independent scientific work. The practice is aimed at developing the skills of research, analysis and application of economic knowledge.

Data for 2021-2024 years