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- PhD program
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- International Journalism
International Journalism
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Graduates – doctors of philosophy (PhD) upon completion of this OP will be capable:
ON1 Plan, critically evaluate and predict the results of research in the field of medialogy and communication.
ON2 To carry out the complex analysis of media forms, institutes and the practice of media, models, dynamics, logicians, processes and communication problems which media in the sphere of the international relations face.
ON3 To differentiate tactics of communication behavior in the conditions of socio-political changes, the international conflicts, migration flows taking into account the opportunities given to media by a system.
ON4 To apply current trends, the directions and regularities of development of a world kommunikativistiks in the conditions of globalization and internationalization of media systems; to plan and conduct active researches and monitoring of media in various measurements: public, political, audiovisual and organizational.
ON5 To show leadership in management and the management of collective, to impart the knowledge and abilities to colleagues and subordinates, to seek for continuous professional growth, to promote development of the society founded on knowledge.
ON6 To project strategy for information security, innovative obespecheniyumediainstitut and media projects taking into account development of digital media, social networks, gadgets, elements of artificial intelligence, SMM and augmented reality.
ON7 To control the course and correctness of the materials received during studying, to adhere to scientific ethics and the principles of validity of results.
ON8 To give an assessment of globalization risks, to synthesize the latest ideas in the field of information boards of safety, to model and methodically correctly to carry out forecasting of the international relations.
ON9 To operate with big arrays of scientific information, to work independently with its various sources; to be guided freely in fundamental science; to build research process for receiving and check of results on the main directions of the thesis, to introduce the obtained data in practice of the international journalism and a medialogiya.
ON10 To publish the results received during the researches and experiments in the international scientific magazines with a high impakt-factor and to represent at the international conferences.
ON11 To participate in scientific discussions, to express and argue the point of view on various aspects of the communication sphere.
ON12 To give intellectual classes in the organizations of the higher education with use of the latest training technologies, methods of assimilation and control of knowledge in the professional sphere, to direct educational programs.
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years