PhD program
Mechanics of Materials and Structures (Gylym Оrdasy)

Mechanics of Materials and Structures (Gylym Оrdasy)


  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


ON 1 Apply methods of experimental study of stresses, deformations, displacements in order to assess the strength, stability and deformability of various materials, elements of machines and structures, full-scale structures and their models.
ON 2 Be able to design and construct layouts and models of machine elements and structures, create software for research and calculation of mechanical processes and states, using specialized programs MATLAB, MathCad, Maple, Wolfram Mathematica, Solidworks, Inventor, Compas, AutoCad.

ON 3 Create CAD and special software for calculating SSS (stress-strain state), strength and stability of various materials, machine elements and structures in the construction, engineering, oil and gas, mining and transport industries based on scientific results, IT technologies, new materials.

ON 4 Be able to set correct formulations of problems in mechanics, apply mathematical and computer methods in their solution; create numerical and analytical methods for calculating SSS, strength and stability of various materials, machine elements and structures, using special software and algorithms for calculations.

ON 5 Develop startups in the construction, engineering, oil and gas, mining and transport industries using project management methods, analytical methods for analyzing project data.

ON 6 Develop strategies and programs for the management of scientific institutions / organizations of the construction, machine-building, oil and gas, mining and transport profile on the basis of strategic, innovative, managerial and project management.

ON 7 Make an expert opinion and expert assessments on the created scientific projects in the field of mechanics, using models and methods of management in project management and assessment methods.

ON 8 Present scientific results in different foreign languages, publications with a high citation index, scientific reports at conferences, create reports on the work done using modern software.

ON 9 Test the scientific results obtained in the course of research in scientific publications in the field of mechanics.

ON 10 Obtaining the optimal parameters of strength and stability of various materials, machine elements and structures, reliable data on the assessment of SSS, stability and bearing capacity of the objects under study as a result of an analytical study based on special methods of calculation and statistical data processing, as well as special software.

ON 11 Implement scientific results in construction, engineering, oil and gas, mining and transport production, ensuring technical and technological safety and economic feasibility of production.

ON 12 Monitor the implemented scientific results in construction, machine-building, oil and gas, mining and transport industries, using analytical data obtained during modeling and experiments, as well as use computer software and equipment that monitors this implementation in real time.

ON 13 Conduct training sessions in the field of mechanics in a traditional and remote format, using innovative digital resources and modern pedagogical technologies, developing methodological support, textbooks and teaching aids

Program passport

Speciality Name
Mechanics of Materials and Structures (Gylym Оrdasy)
Speciality Code
Mechanics and Mathematics


Academic writing
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of discipline is to develop a skill for writing scientific publications, taking into account the requirements of publishers. As a result of training: - apply the principles of academic writing to writing articles in journals with a high citation index; - develop a scientific style for writing scientific papers; - understand the structure and academic style of various scientific papers.

Analytical methods for calculating the tasks of mechanics
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The aim of the course is to master the basic analytical and numerical methods of calculation necessary for solving modern theoretical and applied problems of material mechanics, assessing the stress-strain state, strength, stiffness and stability of the considered deformable objects. As a result of training, a doctoral student must: - know the basic provisions, equations and problems of material mechanics; - know and be able to apply effective analytical methods for solving problems in material mechanics; - be able to formulate problem statements and choose resolving systems of equations with boundary and initial conditions.

Mechanics of Elastic and Plastic Materials
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The aim of the course is to master the theoretical provisions, concepts, principles, equations and formulations of problems in the theory of elasticity and plasticity, to master analytical methods for solving problems in the calculation of elastically and inelastically deformable bodies. As a result of training, a doctoral student must: - know the basic concepts, equations, theorems of the theory of elasticity and plasticity; - know the theory of stresses and deformations, the theory of linear elasticity and plasticity; - be able to apply basic analytical and numerical methods for solving problems of the theory of elasticity and plasticity.

PhD thesis writing and defence
  • Number of credits - 12
  • Type of control - Докторская диссертация
  • Description - The main purpose of "PhD thesis writing and defence": of a doctoral dissertation is the formation of the doctoral students' ability to disclose the content of research work for the defense of the thesis. During the study of course, doctoral student's should be competent in: 1. to substantiate the content of new scientifically grounded theoretical and experimental results that allow to solve a theoretical or applied problem or are a major achievement in the development of specific scientific directions; 2. explain the assessment of the completeness of the solutions to the tasks assigned, according to the specifics of the professional sphere of activity; 3. they can analyze alternative solutions for solving research and practical problems and assess the prospects for implementing these options; 4. apply the skills of writing scientific texts and presenting them in the form of scientific publications and presentations. 5. to plan and structure the scientific search, clearly highlight the research problem, develop a plan / program and methods for its study, formalize, in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Establishment, the scientific and qualification work in the form of a thesis for a scientific degree Doctor of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on specialty «8D07502 – Standardization and certification (by industry)». During the study of the discipline doctoral student will learn following aspects: Registration of documents for presentation of the thesis for defense. Information card of the dissertation and registration-registration card (in the format Visio 2003). Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the institution, in which the preliminary defense of the thesis took place. Cover letter to the Higher Attestation Commission. Expert conclusion on the possibility of publishing the author's abstract. Expert opinion on the possibility of publishing a dissertation. Minutes of the meeting of the counting commission. Bulletin for voting. A shorthand record of the meeting of the dissertational council. List of scientific papers. Response of the official opponent. A review of the leading organization. The recall of the scientific adviser.

Scientific Research methods
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: - to develop the ability to use the methodology of scientific research in the field of mechanics. As a result of training: - be able to choose scientific methods for conducting research in the field of mechanics; -apply methods of theoretical and experimental research, CAD to assess the , strength and stability of various materials, elements of machines and structures; -use mathematical, computer and experimental methods for solving theoretical and applied problems of mechanics.

Data for 2022-2025 years


Introduction to Mechanics of Deformable Materials
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose:Acquaintance with the science - the mechanics of deformable materials, the basics of theoretical provisions, concepts, principles, equations and problem statements of the subject, consideration of various mechanical and mathematical models of deformable materials. As a result of training, a doctoral student must: - have an idea of the theoretical provisions, concepts, principles, equations and problem statements of this discipline; - know various mechanical and mathematical models of deformable materials.

Mechanics of creeping and brittle materials
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of discipline is to develop the ability to use systems for perception in the design of autonomous robots. As a result of training in the design of robots: - understand the sensory perception systems of robots; - apply a variety of sensors, including inertial sensors and accelerometers, sonar sensors (based on sound), visual sensors (based on light) and depth sensors (laser, flight time).

Mechanics of elastic and plastic materials
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The aim of the course is to master the theoretical provisions, concepts, principles, equations and formulations of problems in the theory of elasticity and plasticity, to master analytical methods for solving problems in the calculation of elastically and inelastically deformable bodies. As a result of training, a doctoral student must: - know the basic concepts, equations, theorems of the theory of elasticity and plasticity; - know the theory of stresses and deformations, the theory of linear elasticity and plasticity; - be able to apply basic analytical and numerical methods for solving problems of the theory of elasticity and plasticity.

Mechanics of Oil and Gas Structures
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the course is to study various oil and gas structures and equipment at the stages of production, collection and preparation, transportation and storage of oil and gas. Also, the purpose of the course is the ability to select correct calculation schemes and equations, the ability to use analytical and numerical methods for solving problems in the mechanics of oil and gas structures.As a result of training, the doctoral student must: -know the main structures and equipment of the oil and gas industry at different stages; - be able to draw up calculation schemes and select equations for solving problems in the mechanics of oil and gas structures; - be able to apply basic analytical and numerical methods for solving problems of oil and gas structures

Mechanics of polymer and composite materials
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the course is to master the concepts, structure and properties, methods of production and areas of application of polymer and composite materials, theoretical foundations and methods for calculating structural elements from polymer and composite materials. As a result of training, a doctoral student must: - know the classification, structure and structure of various polymers and composites; - know the mechanical and physical properties of polymers and composites; - be able to apply analytical methods for solving problems in the mechanics of polymer and composite materials

Mechanics of underground structures
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the course is to master the concepts, equations and formulations of problems in the mechanics of underground structures, mastering the principles, algorithms and analytical methods for solving problems for the calculation of underground structures. As a result of training, a doctoral student must: - know the basic concepts, principles and equations of the mechanics of underground structures; - know the formulation of problems in the mechanics of underground structures; - be able to apply basic analytical and numerical methods and algorithms for solving problems in the mechanics of underground structures.

Modern problems of mechanics of deformable materials
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Purpose: Formation of a systematic understanding of the basic concepts and trends in the development of material mechanics as a science, gaining knowledge on the methodology for calculating the main parameters of the objects under consideration. As a result of training, a doctoral student must: - have an idea of the basic concepts, development trends, principles, hypotheses and areas of application of material mechanics as a science; - know the principles of engineering design of structures, basic concepts, equations, theorems, formulations and methods for solving problems of the theory of elasticity; - be able to apply methods for solving problems of the theory of elasticity

Data for 2022-2025 years


  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - Formation of practical, educational-methodical skills of conducting lectures, seminars, creatively apply scientific, theoretical knowledge, practical skills in teaching activities, conduct training sessions in the disciplines of the specialty; own modern professional techniques, methods of training, use in practice the latest theoretical, methodological advances, make educational, methodological documentation.

  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - The purpose of the practice: gaining experience in the study of an actual scientific problem, expand the professional knowledge gained in the learning process, and developing practical skills for conducting independent scientific work. The practice is aimed at developing the skills of research, analysis and application of economic knowledge.

Data for 2022-2025 years