PhD program
Environmental Bioengineering

Environmental Bioengineering


  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


ON 1. Develop concepts for the least consumption of natural resources and the most efficient waste treatment;
ON 2. to improve energy- and resource-saving methods in the field of engineering biotechnology and environmental engineering;
ON 3. analyze the causes of environmental problems, find solutions in the field of environmental planning, environmental protection, nature protection and health;
ON 4. to introduce the latest technological developments for their effective use for the purpose of bioremediation of the environment;
ON 5. Critically evaluate the procedural foundations of important methods of water and wastewater treatment, biotechnological processes, treatment of biological waste (aerobic and anaerobic) and related environmental chemicals and their analytical determination;
ON 6. To interpret the modern methodology of research in the field of ecological bioengineering and to develop measures to protect the environment for enterprises of various profiles;
ON 7. Improve environmental monitoring and control systems at work and solve applied tasks in professional activities;
ON 8. to review scientific articles, as well as to present the results of their own research in articles in order to publish them in the open press;
ON 9. To use new approaches, effective forms, methods and means of teaching, taking into account the individual needs of students..

Program passport

Speciality Name
Environmental Bioengineering
Speciality Code
Biology and Biotechnology


Academic writing
  • Number of credits - 2
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline: to develop practical skills of writing academic texts for doctoral students in order to present the results of their work in the form of reports, reviews, scientific reports and publications in rating publications indexed in Scopus that meet the criteria of non-predatory publications. Within the discipline, doctoral students improve their skills in analyzing and presenting of scientific information in various forms.

Ecotoxicological monitoring of disturbed ecosystems
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The goal of the discipline is to study the accumulation of various ecotoxicants in ecological systems, the effects of toxic substances on organisms, ecotoxicological monitoring, principles and approaches of modern methodology for quantitative and qualitative assessment of toxicity of substances, as well as methods for determining the limits of toxic load, principles and methods of environmental regulation of anthropogenic pollution of natural systems.

Scientific Research methods
  • Number of credits - 3
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - Рurpose: is to give doctoral students skills in academic writing and ability to Express their scientific ideas in an academic style for research publications in top journals, presentations at international scientific conferences, writing a doctoral thesis in psychology and neuroscience. The discipline is aimed at understanding the goals and objectives of various research methods, and the logic of their choice in the field of psychology and neuroscience; critically synthesize methodological dilemmas in psychology and neuroscience.

Technological bioenergy and biological waste recycling
  • Number of credits - 5
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The goal of the discipline to to familiarize with the principles and features of microbiological processes used in energy production, with the requirements for raw materials and producing microorganisms, methods of cultivation of microorganisms, methods of energy production, specific industrial productions based on microbiological synthesis and transformation.

Data for 2022-2025 years


Environmental genetic engineering
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The goal of the discipline is to acquaint with the technologies of creation of transgenic organisms, identification of pathogens in plants and raw materials, assessment of biosafety of genetically modified plants and products derived from them, as well as with the problems that arise in connection with the development and introduction of genetically modified organisms in recent years.

Genetic engineering for phytoremediation
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The purpose of the discipline obtaining knowledge about the creation of a structure for the genetic transformation of plants with increased resistance to multiple stresses, about the analysis of transcriptomes in plants, the identification of functionally important genes and the development of molecular tools to improve plant properties, as well as the use of genetic resources of traditional crops for their effective use for phytoremediation of the environment.

Modern problems of ecological bioengineering
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The goal of the discipline is to study of knowledge necessary to reduce the negative impact of the technosphere on the natural environment through the rational and integrated use of raw materials and energy resources, as well as the study of achievements in the field of cellular and genetic engineering and the study of engineering principles in working with biological systems; acquaintance with new methods of preservation of natural resources, flora and fauna.

New technologies in bioremediation of environmental objects
  • Type of control - [RK1+MT+RK2+Exam] (100)
  • Description - The goal of the discipline is to study the principles and methods of bioremediation of waste in order to clean the objects of the biosphere, to develop experimental systems for bioremediation of waste using modern methods and to gain knowledge in the field of waste processing technologies by biotechnological methods based on the metabolic capabilities of bacterial microorganisms and their isolated enzymes to eliminate pollution in the objects of the biosphere.

Data for 2022-2025 years


  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - Formation of practical, educational-methodical skills of conducting lectures, seminars, creatively apply scientific, theoretical knowledge, practical skills in teaching activities, conduct training sessions in the disciplines of the specialty; own modern professional techniques, methods of training, use in practice the latest theoretical, methodological advances, make educational, methodological documentation.

  • Type of control - Защита практики
  • Description - The purpose of the practice: gaining experience in the study of an actual scientific problem, expand the professional knowledge gained in the learning process, and developing practical skills for conducting independent scientific work. The practice is aimed at developing the skills of research, analysis and application of economic knowledge.

Data for 2022-2025 years