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- Master degree program
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- Cultural Studies
Cultural Studies
- Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Social Sciences
1 Оbjectively evaluate interdisciplinary approaches in the study of modern cultural problems and scientific theories in priority areas of research on cultural problems (postmodern, comparative, semiotic, etc.) related to the protection of cultural heritage, the ecological environment and the development of project activities in the field of culture based on competent mastery of basic principles, provisions from the cycle of basic disciplines;
2. Аnalyze the assess, state, prospects for research into traditional and contemporary culture in the context of innovative directions and trends in the development of scientific knowledge in the field of cultural research, development of programs for the preservation of cultural heritage;
3. Use the methodology of cultural research, principles of organization and methods of conducting cultural, semiotic, comparative research in the field of intercultural communication, cultural heritage programs, multi-media culture;
4. Formulate the problems and tasks of scientific research into communication problems, tasks for project activities in culture, choosing the appropriate methodology for this, defining the stages of the research, evaluating and interpreting the research results.
5. Apply conceptual and methodological approaches in the study of theory and tasks, principles of organization and implementation of project activities in the field of culture to find new solutions to current cultural problems, behavioral patterns and communications;
6. Critically evaluate existing methods of expert analysis in relation to the study of historical and cultural heritage; to the field of philosophy of postmodern culture, assessment and study of new trends in the field of postmodern art;
7. Apply basic concepts, methods and technologies of training, principles of communication in a foreign language, competencies in the field of management psychology and methodological approaches in the scientific field in the context of future professional activities..
Program passport
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years
Data for 2022-2025 years